Prime Minister,

You need to get a grip, old son.  The public hears you saying that pensioners’ sideline benefits, such as free bus passes and TV licences will not be cut, and then we are told that Psychosmiffy is saying that they will.  In view of what we’ve seen of your government’s runaway desire to harm the poor and the vulnerable I think it’s safe to say that I know who the elderly voters will choose to believe.  Clue:  It’s not you.

How many is it – 11 million “grey” votes that you’re trying to buy for 2015?  I reckon Psychosmiffy just gave them all away to the other Parties because no State pensioner is going to feel safe marking their ballot sheet with a Conservative cross now.  I never thought I’d thank the W&P Secretary for anything, but if his pig-ignorant behaviour is what it takes to get rid of you and your cronies in 2015 then he has my full gratitude for his latest speech in defiance of your assurances.

And we DO need rid of your government – there is no doubt about that.  Psychosmiffy’s performance at the PAC meeting today was nothing short of disgusting and illustrated perfectly the contempt in which your government holds the democratic processes that underpin this nation’s freedoms and pride in itself.  The creature, to our lasting regret, is a public SERVANT and far from his assertion that he doesn’t have to tell Parliament everything that goes on in the DWP, the fact is that he bloody well DOES.  Why, for example, is he so determined to conceal the statistics on how many people have died since January 2012 as a result of his welfare reforms?

He has deliberately withheld information from the Public Accounts Committee, that is appointed to oversee the running of his Department among other duties.  His manner of response today, to legitimate questions from members of that Committee, was not only a country mile away from the respect that he should have shown, it was downright abusive.  Saying of Miss Glenda Jackson’s question: “It sounds like a foreign language to me” displayed in crystal clarity just how much of an uncultured boor Duncan Smith actually is.  His whole manner today positively REEKED of guilt, and it is high time that his entire Department was subjected to a full review by an external and independent body with the responsibility of reporting directly to the PAC.

Perhaps it is time that the PAC interviewed Duncan Smith’s former DWP aid, Robert Devereux, and then confronted the W&P Secretary with queries that demand straight answers?

I had a neighbour who has ADHD.  He was always – and I mean always – in trouble with the police and I witnessed him being questioned on one occasion about a trivial matter.  His reaction was to clam up and stomp around the room before giving vent to a furious outburst, denying any responsibility for anything, even though it had already been proven that the blame lay entirely with him.  In the PAC interview today, I saw almost identical behaviour from the W&P Secretary, who was visibly having to restrain his temper when asked perfectly reasonable questions by the Committee’s members.  We’va all seen him less restrained in recent months, as with his outburst on the BBC’s Question Time programme when challenged by Owen Jones of The Independent and The People’s Assembly.  He’s also lost his rag during an LBC Radio interview.

He caught himself out with yet another of his lies today too, as I know several people noticed.  Mike Sivier has pointed it out in his blog, which I have linked above, so I won’t repeat it in this text.

The simple fact, Prime Minister, is that the W&P Secretary is in a position which it is way beyond his ability to manage.  He has screwed up royally and is clutching at anything remotely resembling a straw to try and keep himself afloat, and will not – apparently – accept the fact that once again he has FAILED in his endeavours.  He appears to have delusions of still, in some freakish manner, being in charge of the entire Conservative Party rather than just one Department, and he proved that when he refused to accept repositioning during the reshuffle that was organised by your Chancellor.  That says, loudly and clearly, that he has no real interest in your Party’s fortunes but that he has his own agenda which he is progressing under the cover of its political umbrella.  His own statement, back when he was Party Leader, “Beware the Quiet Man,” says it all.  He has his own personal, secret goals and they do not bode at all well for anyone, never mind the groups he has targeted so far.  His constant lies, misleading statements, and even his side-stepping of questions posed by legally appointed groups whose right it is to ask those questions all serve to underline the fact that I am far from wrong in giving him the nickname that I do.

Keeping him as a Minister, never mind in his post as W&P Secretary, shows that you, personally, are terrified of Duncan Smith.  He has wasted countless millions of pounds of public money trying to ramrod his pet scheme through, when five years was never going to be sufficient time in which to do it – something he was told via the press way back in 2011.  In the world of private industry, with which you are so obviously infatuated, he’d have been sacked in disgrace had he performed to such an abysmal standard.  So why does he retain his role in your government?

What his behaviour, as well as the retention of other Ministers who have proved themselves completely incompetent for the roles that they occupy, says to the UK public and the world at large, is that you are a mere mouthpiece for their agendas, with no actual authority whatsoever.  It says that you did not reach your present position on your own merit, but that you were engineered into the slot by those who have some means of compelling you to speak with their voices.  The fact that you have refused to authorise any kind of investigation into the Parliamentary paedophile questions that have arisen in the wake of the Savile enquiry, as well as from other sources, gives rise to a whole lorry-load of perfectly reasonable speculation as to what kind of hold might be being exercised over you.  As a father of young children, one would expect you to be taking action to protect children everywhere from that kind of horror, yet you have done nothing to make that happen, apart from institute an ill-considered, poorly informed and completely unworkable internet censorship programme that any nine year old with a bit of computer savvy could circumvent.

What are you afraid of, Prime Minister?


Darren Lynch

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