Girl Rising tells the inspirational stories of nine girls from developing countries, who overcome very difficult situations in order to achieve their dreams. The message is a powerful one, that educating girls and young women enables societies to transform.

We chose this film as it closely reflects a number of Green Party core values; that we should take the well-being of other nations into account and that a democratic society is one which is free from discrimination. In light of recent events in the UK1and the USA2, it seems even more imperative that we continue to promote these values.

We’d already seen a rise in xenophobia post Brexit, when we decided we wanted to do something.

“It was as if a small minority took the leave result as a rubber stamp of approval for their previously hidden racism.” (Anon)

Then followed the U.S election in which a candidate who had admitted on tape to sexually assaulting women became president. The resulting women’s marches, seen across the world, did little to stop the new president, flanked solely by men, from signing away the reproductive rights of women in developing countries where every year, some 3 million girls aged 15 to 19 undergo unsafe abortions3.

This film about women from other countries is our small way of spreading the positive message that people should be valued no matter where they come from or what sex they are. This is the reason we are giving free tickets to schools in the local area. It has an important and inspiring message that we would like to pass on to future generations.

Tickets are available from the Lighthouse and cost £6 plus a small admin fee. All profits will go towards the Girl Rising Foundation. The film is rated PG-13 and will be screened on the 2nd March at 8pm.

Green Party Women (South East Dorset)

1.       Hate crimes in the UK rose by 19% in 2016 to over 62,000 and 80% of those were race related.

2.        The U.S elects a president who openly admits to sexually assaulting women.

 World Health Organisation

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