Will The US Public Put ‘Hitler’ In The White House Again?


As the U.S. heads toward another high-stakes election, the question of whether Donald Trump embodies fascist tendencies has become a central issue in American politics. This discussion revolves around Trump’s actions, statements, and policies, which some political and military leaders, as well as journalists and historians, argue reflect disturbing parallels with the traits of historical fascism. Trump’s repeated use of authoritarian language, his attempts to undermine democratic norms, and his vitriolic rhetoric against vulnerable social groups—women, the disabled, and ethnic minorities—have contributed to this perception.

Defining Fascism and Its Characteristics

To assess whether Trump can be reasonably described as a fascist, it is essential to define the term. Fascism, as characterised by scholars and historians, generally involves the following elements:

  1. Authoritarian Leadership: Fascist leaders are typically autocrats who demand absolute loyalty, rule by decree, and reject democratic checks and balances.
  2. Nationalism and Militarism: Fascists promote an aggressive form of nationalism, often linked to military power and a glorified national past.
  3. Suppression of Opposition: Fascist regimes seek to eliminate dissent through censorship, violence, and the dismantling of free media.
  4. Social Hierarchies and Discrimination: Fascism is often associated with discriminatory ideologies, such as racism, sexism, and ableism, which justify subjugation of certain groups.
  5. Cult of Personality: Fascist leaders often cultivate a larger-than-life public image and demand personal loyalty from their followers.

With these characteristics in mind, a close examination of Donald Trump’s statements, policies, and actions reveals that he exhibits many of these traits.

Trump’s Authoritarian Impulses

A defining characteristic of fascism is authoritarianism, the desire to centralise power in one leader without regard for democratic institutions or norms. Trump’s statements and actions during his presidency reveal a pronounced authoritarian streak, as he sought to consolidate power and undermine constitutional limits.

The Undermining of Democratic Norms

Throughout his presidency, Trump demonstrated a profound disdain for democratic norms. He has attacked the judiciary, disparaged the press, and questioned the legitimacy of elections, undermining trust in democratic processes. For instance, Trump repeatedly claimed that the 2020 election was “stolen” despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This baseless claim, which led to the violent insurrection on January 6, 2021, has become a rallying point for Trump’s supporters, who continue to question the legitimacy of elections they lose. This rejection of electoral outcomes is a fundamental departure from democratic norms and reflects a mindset that prioritises personal power over constitutional governance.

A Cult of Loyalty

Trump’s demand for loyalty goes beyond traditional political support; he has consistently expected unwavering personal allegiance from those around him, including high-ranking military and government officials. He often referred to top military officers as “my generals,” suggesting they owed their loyalty to him rather than the Constitution. This authoritarian mindset is dangerous in a democratic society, where military leaders are sworn to defend the Constitution rather than any individual leader.

General John Kelly, who served as Trump’s chief of staff, noted that Trump was frequently frustrated by the military’s allegiance to the Constitution, believing instead that they should obey his commands without question. Kelly recounted instances when Trump expressed admiration for dictators who had absolute control over their countries, an indication of his own desire for similar power.

Aggressive Nationalism

Trump’s nationalism is often tinged with militaristic language. He has spoken fondly of strongman leaders like Vladimir Putin, Rodrigo Duterte, and Kim Jong-un, praising their “strength” and “toughness” in ways that echo fascist admiration for authoritarian rulers. Trump’s speeches frequently feature language that pits the “true” American people against various “enemies within,” including liberals, immigrants, and minorities. This rhetoric aligns with fascist ideologies that view the nation as a pure, cohesive entity under constant threat from internal enemies. Trump’s assertion that his supporters are the “real Americans” implicitly excludes anyone who disagrees with his policies, dividing the country along ideological and ethnic lines.

Suppression of Dissent and Threats Against Opponents

One of the most troubling aspects of Trump’s rhetoric is his hostility toward dissent. Fascist leaders often attempt to suppress opposition, and Trump has repeatedly attacked his critics in terms that go beyond traditional political rivalry. He has referred to the media as “the enemy of the people,” a phrase with historical ties to totalitarian regimes, and has threatened to shut down major media outlets that report negatively on him.

Attacks on Free Media

The media plays a crucial role in holding leaders accountable, but Trump has consistently portrayed the press as corrupt and dishonest, especially outlets that report critically on his policies or personal conduct. His relentless attacks on the media have emboldened his supporters to view journalists with hostility, often resulting in verbal abuse and threats of violence against reporters. This assault on the press is reminiscent of fascist regimes that sought to control public discourse by censoring independent media.

Weaponising Law Enforcement

During the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, Trump advocated for using the military to “dominate” protesters, a stance that raised concerns among military leaders and civil rights groups alike. His insistence on militarised responses to domestic protests aligns with fascist regimes’ tendencies to use force against civilians to maintain control. Trump’s recent threats to deploy the National Guard against perceived internal enemies, whom he calls “radical left lunatics,” underscores his authoritarian mindset and willingness to weaponise law enforcement against political opponents.

Disdain for Vulnerable Groups: Racism, Misogyny, and Ableism

A core tenet of fascist ideology is the belief in a natural hierarchy, often used to justify the subjugation of vulnerable groups. Trump’s statements and actions reveal a consistent pattern of hostility toward women, ethnic minorities, and disabled people, reflecting a worldview that aligns disturbingly with fascist ideals of social hierarchy and discrimination.

Racist Rhetoric and Xenophobia

Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric about ethnic minorities, particularly Latinx and Black Americans, has been a central feature of his political persona. In 2015, he began his presidential campaign by referring to Mexican immigrants as “murderers and rapists.” This language, which paints entire ethnic groups as threats to public safety, has emboldened white nationalist sentiments and contributed to a climate of fear and division.

Moreover, Trump’s xenophobic policies, such as the “Muslim ban” and family separation at the U.S.-Mexico border, were criticised for their cruelty and for targeting specific communities. These policies align with fascist ideologies that seek to “protect” the nation from perceived outsiders, often using racial and ethnic markers as justification.

In an especially troubling episode reported by The Atlantic, Trump initially offered to pay for the funeral of a 20-year-old Latina soldier killed at Fort Hood, but later reneged, reportedly saying, “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fg Mexican…fg people trying to rip me off.” Such comments reveal a profound disdain for non-white individuals, whom Trump appears to view as less deserving of empathy and respect.

Misogyny and Disrespect Toward Women

Trump’s misogynistic remarks are well-documented, ranging from disparaging comments about women’s appearance to dismissive language about their abilities. He frequently uses terms like “nasty,” “crazy,” and “dumb” to describe women who oppose him. His infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he boasted about sexually assaulting women, revealed a deeply ingrained sense of entitlement and a disregard for women’s autonomy.

Trump’s sexist rhetoric aligns with patriarchal views often associated with fascist ideologies, which portray women as subordinate to men. This perspective fuels a culture of disrespect and marginalisation, diminishing women’s roles and contributions in public life. Trump’s consistent use of demeaning language towards women who challenge him reflects his belief in a natural hierarchy where women are expected to remain subservient.

Disdain for Disabled Individuals

Perhaps one of the most notorious examples of Trump’s cruelty was his public mocking of a disabled reporter during the 2016 campaign. By mimicking the reporter’s physical disabilities, Trump displayed a blatant lack of empathy and respect for disabled individuals. This incident is part of a broader pattern in which Trump exhibits contempt for those he perceives as “weak” or “inferior.”

According to sources close to him, Trump has privately expressed eugenicist views, hinting at an interest in controlling who should be allowed to reproduce based on physical and intellectual “fitness.” This perspective aligns disturbingly with fascist ideologies that sought to “purify” society by eliminating perceived undesirables. Trump’s apparent discomfort in the presence of disabled people reflects a worldview that values strength, power, and conformity, dismissing those who do not fit this mould.

Cultivating a Personality Cult and Exploiting Media

Fascist leaders often build cults of personality, presenting themselves as infallible figures who embody the nation’s will. Trump has cultivated a similar image, portraying himself as a “saviour” of American values against a corrupt establishment. His supporters frequently view him as a larger-than-life figure who is uniquely capable of restoring America’s greatness, echoing the hero-worship associated with historical fascist leaders.

Exploiting the Media

Trump’s media strategy is central to his cult of personality. He has a masterful ability to dominate news cycles, using social media platforms and televised rallies to keep himself in the public eye. His relentless self-promotion and exaggerated claims about his achievements contribute to an image of invincibility, a tactic common among fascist leaders who rely on propaganda to build public loyalty.

Trump’s use of Madison Square Garden for a campaign rally—a venue that hosted a Nazi rally in 1939—underscores his desire to evoke grand, dramatic displays of support. While there may be no uniforms or regalia, the event’s atmosphere is charged with nationalist fervour and unquestioning loyalty, reminiscent of fascist rallies designed to glorify the leader.

Trump’s Threat to American Democracy

Donald Trump’s rhetoric, actions, and policies align disturbingly with characteristics of fascism, from authoritarian impulses to discriminatory views. His behaviour has cultivated a political culture in which violence, division, and loyalty to a single leader take precedence over democratic values and constitutional principles. Trump’s attacks on democratic institutions, his treatment of vulnerable groups, and his admiration for authoritarian figures present a genuine threat to American democracy.

As the election approaches, Americans face a critical choice about the country’s future. Trump’s divisive rhetoric and authoritarian ambitions underscore the importance of vigilance in preserving democratic institutions and rejecting the allure of authoritarianism. Whether the nation will resist or succumb to these fascist tendencies is a decision that will shape America for generations to come.

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