Saturday 9th June 2018 the day when fascism made its ugly return to the streets of the capital. With shades of Oswald Moseley from the 1930’s and the union flag used as a brand for some sort of belonging mostly drunk disempowered working class men rampaged against the police. Full of hate, bitterness and special brew… these people long since forgotten by the major political parties (although Mr Corbyn at least appears to be reaching out with his economic formula for government) are now responding. Facts to them are now no longer important. It is all about emotion and belief.

They have identified their leader. Their crusader. Just as the desperate did in early 30’s Germany. Whenever the economy is brought to its knees by the establishment they feed off the manufactured hate, bigotry, ignorance and despair. If you have little education; a low paid job and scant hope what is there apart from anger? Anger at an easy target. They cannot get close to the establishment so it becomes someone and something else. Skin colour. Culture. People. Authority.

They hate the left for offering them hope via systemic change. They have no time for tolerance and intellectual debate. That is a foreign language. Fists and blood and masculine pride compensate for not understanding the detail. Give me blood, give me convenience.

Society is already rejecting their methods. But what else is there? Any debate based on intellect they have already lost. It’s their rules then. Shouting, fighting, swearing…. But no one really listens and so their anger grows. Festering until a ‘Tommy’ comes along. The hero of past wars. ‘Great wars’. Now they have a ringleader who can point their bodies and minds in a direction and get them frothing. Then watch them go.

‘This is what really happened’ is no longer of relevance.

15000 people become 8 million. Thousands swallow it. What else do they have to swallow apart from their pride? It then turns out the image was taken at another event years before. It’s a fake just like the head cases who share it.

We will be told to return the hate. To maintain the false consciousness. To screech from another cage. Imagine though if we all woke up one morning and overnight following a visitation we clearly recognised the real threat. The real monster. Those who divide us in their corporate media or seats of political power. Those who want nothing less than for us being united.

Hitler salutes and ridicule of working class desperate’s will not unite us. Whatever it is it is essential. Now.

Douglas James

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