Some background

As you are probably aware the Centre for Alternative Technology launched their latest Zero Carbon Britain report (1) during the summer. This got me thinking about the state of the climate change ‘debate’ and the solutions we are developing locally.

While there are some really encouraging initiatives, both community and local authority led, it is clear from aspects such as media coverage of the Navitus Wind Farm and other renewable developments that, in the main, our leaders and media just don’t get the seriousness of the climate crisis and therefore we, like many other areas, are simply not doing enough.

When I have been presenting on climate change there is a general feeling, from those who do get it, that we need some more specific information on the possible solutions. It struck me that there we have a golden opportunity with Zero Carbon Britain and the recent release of the IPCC report (2) to bring something to life here in Dorset.

The plan

The plan that is being developed is to produce a vision for a Zero Carbon Dorset in 2030; a vision that captures all the elements of the main report (energy reduction, energy production, travel, land use, diet, well-being) and calculates what this would look like for Dorset. Once the vision is established we will then look at all the current plans, developments and initiatives and ask ‘are these enough’. Based on this evidence based, fully calculated assessment we will then look to produce an Annual Assessment (Carbon Audit) looking at, and encouraging, local initiatives and outlining the further actions needed. Of course Dorset alone cannot save the planet so it will also look to highlight where policy decisions (local & national) need changing.

This assessment should be a reference point for those engaged in developments, a communication tool to bring climate change and its solutions to the fore (including hopefully into schools), and a rallying call for activists.

It will not replace, or seek to replace, any scientific study, existing initiatives, renewable energy or service provision; instead it will seek to communicate, coordinate and facilitate a comprehensive overview of all the elements that will develop sustainable communities across the county.

Dorset presents a unique opportunity. Not only are there lots of great initiatives to build on but it also benefits from the South West’s second largest conurbation, a significant agricultural sector and a coastline – a rare combination of all the areas that will need to be considered as we ‘rethink the future’.


It’s quite a challenge so I’m absolutely delighted that, alongside confirmed support from CAT, a number of people already active in a number of critical associated areas have agreed to participate. These include Vince Adams (who runs, Colin Dewsnap (an active member of Dorset Agenda 21, Transition Towns and many other groups), Paul McIntosh (currently Sustainability Officer for North Dorset District Council, Chair of Dorset Community Sustainable Energy Group and a lifelong involvement in sustainability projects), Theresa McManus (currently working at the Dorset Energy Advice Centre who she represents at the Dorset Energy Partnership and an environmental campaigner for 20+ years) and Sofia Karlberg (a Climate and Sustainability Strategist and consultant researcher for the World Cities Network who spent many years in France developing and implementing Local Low Carbon Plans).

Presentations to various groups are on-going and many individuals have expressed interest in getting involved.

What next

We are currently scoping out the ‘technical’ issues (organisational structure, project plans, funding etc.) with the anticipation of formally launching at a public event/conference in early 2014. 

Ahead of this I am keen to start to organise groups of people who would be interested in contributing towards specific work streams i.e.

1.      Energy Reduction

2.      Renewable Energy Development

3.      Transport

4.      Land Use / Diet

5.      Non Energy Emissions / Waste

6.      Well-being / economy

If you would be interested in any of the above, know someone who I should contact, or like to help in any other way please email me via [email protected]

If you would like to keep up to date with developments please ‘like’ our Facebook page ‘Zero Carbon Dorset’

If you don’t use Facebook but would still like further details in due course please email me with the subject “Email News”. 

Thank you for reading and please feel free to share among any friends or contacts who you think may be interested.



Mark Chivers

Zero Carbon Dorset

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