New EU-wide proposals to help farmers secure a better deal for their products have come down in favour of a system pioneered in Britain.

Julie Girling, Conservative MEP for the South West and Gibraltar, broadly welcomed the long-awaited findings from the European Commission’s Agricultural Markets Task Force and said: “It is good to see a British initiative being taken up across the EU.”

The task force highlights the value of independent national adjudicators.  The UK Government appointed a Groceries Code Adjudicator in 2013 to regulate the relationship between supermarkets and their suppliers and task force chairman, Cees Verman, visited Britain to see the scheme in operation.

His report calls for “the implementation of effective enforcement regimes in member states, such as through the use of an adjudicator.”

Mrs Girling said: “The value of the British model has been recognised by the task force. Our system has previously been cited as an example of best practice.
 “It is good that the report suggests that the EU should have role in defining unfair trading practices. I also welcome the call for enhanced co-operation among farmers and the focus on the need to improve farmers’ access to finance.

“I would only caution the Commission to think carefully before introducing any EU legislation that would merely complicate life for farmers without any benefits.

“This report is an important starting point. It is now up to the Commission to act in the best interests of Europe’s farmers.”

The 12-strong task force comprised 12 industry experts from across the EU, including David Dobbin, Group Chief Executive of United Dairy Farmers in the UK.

The Commission is expected to issue policy proposals next year.

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