I urge you one and all to boycott the Bournemouth Echo

Dear Councillors, campaigners, activists,
Scrape through the news reporting surface and it’s all too clear a bastion of right wing climate-denial attitudes.


This morning in the Echo the most bigoted illiterate attack on the huge perils involved in climate warming I have ever read in any paper.

What I expect in the Daily Dog or Daily Gutter. Not from what is supposed to be a balanced local paper.

This is from Nicholls, the head of content and new media, with a tirade against London climate campaigners – and anyone else who gets in his way, not fitting his potting shed solutions.

There is no pressing issue of our age – alongside nuclear threats and meltdown or raging global war – than mass climate warming out of global control.

This is not a subject to play with Nicholls. To vent your political spleen against those who are now – in the mass failure of politicians – doing their utmost to bring to public attention the urgency of man made destruction of our planet.

I condemn you Nicholls and all your paper stands for. I have had my suspicions for years. This now leaves no doubt. Your paper a huge platform for public opinion has no interest in taking the issue seriously. Instead a toy for juvenile editors to extol indulgent meanderings.

For your information attached what the Echo plastered over the front page June 2014 at the height of the Navitus debate. Could it be any clearer the Echo only too happy to scare the life out of the local population, showing a wind turbine on Bournemouth beach. No doubt at all is their Mr Nicholls, the Echo supporting offshore opposition groups, playing a powerful lead part destroying the credibility of offshore wind.

A matter of the overwhelming demand for clean sustainable carbon-free energy with one credible option for the nation, offshore and onshore wind turbine energy.

Any doubts on the whole issue then check out a thousand world scientific websites. All the reasons why people from 5 to 95 are taking to the streets world-wide in their millions to get the message over Nicholls – this is not a game. Not a game for editors or for anyone to play with.

Hugely unimpressed Mr Nicholls. I will personally never touch your paper again. There are far better options, not least local news on Facebook, Dorset Eye doing a brilliant job, BH Living, and more planned for the near future.

I urge you councillors, activists, campaigners, boycott this paper. Circulation has plummeted from 50,000 in 1990s to now 9,000. It’s clearly on the way out for any serious editorial work. Read it on the web, and to keep out the saturation mass consumption adverts use an Ad Blocker, AdBlock Plus is a good option.

Say no to the Echo. They can stick their rabid editorials slanging off men and women who are doing their utmost to bring to national attention the sheer urgency of climate melt down.

Barry Holmes


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