Weymouth GP sets out surgery protocols following Convid19 outbreak

Please share this message from NHS practices in Weymouth and Portland. Our actions today will save lives tomorrow. Your local NHS is getting ready for the coming peak.
The best site for information is www.nhs.uk/coronavirus
All GP surgeries have moved to 100% phone triage of requests for visits or appointments. We have stopped all non essential check ups and routine recall. It is important not to attend surgeries unless your doctor has contacted you back and arranged an exact time for you to attend. This is to stop spread. Here are things to help for non coronavirus matters.
  1. Put prescription requests in letter box or better still; do this online. The best way is to register with your practice for online access to your records. You can then ask for repeat medication . Evergreen is an app for this you can download.
  1. Give us a nominated pharmacy so we can send scripts electronically.
  2. Use eConsult tool on your own practice’s website. Here you can enter your symptoms and your GP will reply within 48 hours.
  3. The phones are very busy. So if you cannot use the alternative methods of contact there may be a wait for calls to be answered. Please be patient. We are all still here dealing with calls..
This disease will be beaten when we stop it spreading. Everyone can help. Whilst children are off school keep them home using social media and gaming. They may meet outdoors but not going round to friend’s houses.
This virus has no legs or arms. It cannot breathe alone. It needs us to spread it. There is no vaccine or pill. We ourselves can stop it by locking down . Do look after neighbours who are isolated.
Stay home everyone ( but key workers ) as in staying put you are saving lives.
Dr. Orrell
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