It’s been a busy start today in Studland. Firstly I located a family cooking a fry up on the edge of the heath on Ferry Road. I then had some parking issues to sort for people who thought parking on a clearway is acceptable. I then walked the beach from Shell Bay back along Bramble Bush Bay where I found a couple that had camped overnight. I also found an abandoned tent that had obviously been used over the last few days.

Further round the bay I was disappointed to find an area that had been used to have a campfire. I then met up with Swanage coastguard and the fire service who were going to a report of a BBQ on the beach with a number of males. This was located promptly extinguished.

The Studland area is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI). As well as the obvious fire risk, it is an offence to light a fire, BBQ or to camp in the area. If caught you can expect to be reported for the offences on SSSI land. This is exactly what happened to the campers who were also reported for breaching Covid-19 regulations.

Patrols in the area will be increasing over the next few days to try and protect this lovely area.

Purbeck Police

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