The UK is about as democratic North Korea. The difference is that North Korea does not pretend to be. The UK Parliament is filled up with glorified careerists who are fisted by corporate media moguls and the like.

They will of course deny it but those who are awake know the score.

Chris Williamson’s appeal to the MP’s came after his Commons pass was suspended.

‘The British parliament stripped former Labour MP Chris Williamson of his access pass after concerns were raised over his hosting of a show on Iranian state television.

Mr Williamson, 66, an ally of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, hosts a weekly programme on Press TV called Palestine Declassified.

The decision was made during a meeting of politicians, sources close to the Commons’ Administration Committee said. It means he will no longer be able to enter the Houses of Parliament as an official pass-holder until further notice.

Mr Williamson, who served as MP for Derby North from 2010 to 2015 and then 2017 to 2019, had previously said his access to Westminster was under review because he had criticised the Tory government’s “support for Nato’s proxy war in Ukraine”.’

When asked for their specific reasons for the revocation this was their response.

Unaccountable autocrats who attempt to silence any voices of dissent.

This is UK democracy aping North Korea in everything but name.

For those who prefer what really happens:

Jason Cridland

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