My son George has taught me so much about this world , he’s taught me about equality and empathy. I am able to look people in their eyes when they speak and feel what they are going through as I put myself in their position and I do all I can to help . George has taught me that no one is better then me and no one is beneath me .

I’ve campaigned for years for a fairer society so I will not any longer be putting up with hate speeches or anyone feeling superior to someone who’s fallen to hard times . I want a world of equality and a society that looks after each other . The ones who walk past the homeless and feels empathy, the ones who looks at the disabled and feels angry they are fighting for equality and an education, the ones who’s angered that mental health services are failing our fellow citizens that sees them in a rut , the people who are upset that many in social care are being abused I could go on and on .

If you are NOT one of these people please remove yourself from my Facebook… to save me blocking you. I am going to make this world a better place for my kids I will teach them what I have been taught I will never let them look down on others because of the colour of their skin or because they don’t earn as much as others . To be honest I’ve had enough of this nasty vile world where people can not be bothered to educate themselves and cause hate through ignorance!

I couldn’t give a fuck if I’m left with no friends . Go spread your hate elsewhere. Get off my Facebook

I fear no one when I’m standing up for my children and campaigning for anyone with vulnerabilities no matter what colour they are , see ya.

Naomi Patterson

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