ChatGPT’s projections envision a substantial global shift toward veganism by 2075, a prediction stemming from a study by The NPD Group that delves into the evolving landscape of the food industry. This transformation is anticipated to be heavily influenced by Gen Z and Millennials, driven by their heightened awareness of environmental and animal welfare concerns.

The Daily Mail initiated a conversation with ChatGPT, using the NPD study as a prompt to forecast a gradual timeline toward widespread veganism. Predictions included the mainstream adoption of the flexitarian diet by 2027, advancements in food technology making vegan alternatives more appealing and cost-effective, a transition toward plant-based agriculture, and notable figures like Natalie Portman and Leonardo DiCaprio advocating for climate action through Veganism Day.

To prepare for the shift, the NPD Group emphasised the importance for food manufacturers to cater to Millennials and Gen Zs, acknowledging their preferences for sustainability and animal welfare in messaging and product development.

Young people are not only changing their habits because of imagery like the following but they are attempting to educate older generations in the hope that many of them will transform their eating habits.

ChatGPT’s timeline unfolds with the flexitarian diet gaining traction by 2027, followed by increased awareness about animal rights and climate change among younger generations by 2024. Subsequently, food technology companies innovate plant-based meat alternatives, with significant social media promotion by 2028. By 2032, a breakthrough in food technology will lead to more convincing and affordable vegan faux meats.

Predictions extend into legislative actions, with ChatGPT foreseeing North American and European governments implementing subsidies for plant-based agriculture by 2037, contributing to a decline in traditional farming and animal agriculture.

Major milestones include 2057, marking widespread acceptance of veganism, followed by the inaugural Global Vegan Week in 2064. The forecast includes industry giants like McDonald’s transitioning to a fully plant-based menu by 2068. Ultimately, by 2075, the world is anticipated to be almost entirely vegan, with animal agriculture on the brink of obsolescence.

ChatGPT emphasised the speculative nature of these predictions, acknowledging the potential variations across regions and cultures. Nevertheless, it highlighted the influence of Gen Z and Millennials in raising awareness and driving significant dietary shifts.

The rise of veganism among younger generations owes much to social media, which has facilitated the sharing of vegan content, recipes, and information. Streaming platforms have played a role by enabling documentaries like Cowspiracy and What The Health to disseminate information about the consequences of meat consumption on health and the environment. Additionally, celebrities like Billie Eilish, Joaquin Phoenix, and Jessica Chastain embracing veganism have further popularised the lifestyle.

This article was first published in Plant Based News

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