ALL EYES ON RAFAH! From the people of Bridport


Emergency protests were called across the country yesterday against the Israeli atrocity against a refugee camp in Rafah, which saw tents set aflame and victims dismembered and burned to death. Over ten thousand people demonstrated and occupied Whitehall in a protest called at 24 hours notice.

In Dorset, Dorset PSC held an emergency protest in Bridport’s Buckydoo Square on Tuesday evening. Bridport residents gathered in Bucky Doo Square to show their solidarity with the people of Palestine and Gaza, and to call for an end to genocide and arms to Israel. 

‘’ I call on our government to ban arm sales immediately and demand a permanent ceasefire’’ said Sue, one of the protestors. ‘’What we are witnessing is humanity vs genocide. You can’t choose both’’. 

Joe, another Bridport resident gave his view, “As Israeli tanks enter Rafah today and as our country continues to sell arms to Israel, we feel compelled to add our voices to the millions shocked and outraged by the killing of the innocent in Palestine and the destruction of homes, hospitals, schools and places of worship. The Israeli government have long stopped listening. We have come to Bucky Doo to call for a ceasefire now. I also want to call for those responsible for committing war crimes, live streamed on TV, to be prosecuted”.

Kate, one of the organisers said, “We’ve been doing a weekly vigil since October and people are now waking up to the horrors of Israel’s 75 years of occupation.’’ 

All across Dorset people took part in a coordinated window display that included the message ‘All eyes on Rafah’. [See photomontage attached]

Rob Ferguson, secretary of Dorset PSC: 

The veil of denial has been torn aside. Millions across the globe are mobilising against a patent and undeniable genocide. We are protesting against the continuing arming of Israel. The New York Times has now revealed that the atrocity in Rafah was executed using bombs made in the US. The uS, British and other government are complicit in genocide. We are sending a message that we will not stop, we will not rest, until Israel is forced to declare a permanent ceasefire but also to dismantle Israeli apartheid.”

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 #FreePalestine# EndIsraeliApartheid #StopTheGenocide

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