I believe in a capitalistic world, in my view, the Conservative party have been the best party to have lead and develop us into this modern era. Thanks to the Thatcher boom, capitalism was taken out of the hands of the few and into the hands of the masses.

The system worked because even at the poor end, everyone received a pension, free NHS and a diversity of services to cater for all needs. The blend of labour and conservative complimented each other here.

It was and still is a false capitalistic world and it has gotten out of control and now it is being I believe, purposely made to fail.

I say false because everything is micro managed, nothing resolved. The benefit system was too relaxed. It was made too easy to have a child and get a place to live or if people did not want to work and have no responsibility ,they were given a place to live and do drugs and what ever they want.

And I say purposely made to fail as Tony Blair opened the door for every Tom, Dick and Harry to live here. So there are thousands of little pyramids of businesses all out for themselves. Loads of different ethnic groups living together and not mixing with British and it is just making everyone anti everyone and it has broken communities down. Any nationality is welcome that mix and fit in. I am sure when the next generation of kids in mixed schools grow up this will be resolved like it is getting there now. Culture is becoming an out-dated word.

When I look above all parties it seems like everything is mico-managed. Vote cons and the rich are looked after.

Then when people realise nothing is getting better, people vote labour. Then back to the cons for the tough measure and so forth. And in the middle you have lib-dems taking points from both parties not really knowing how to make their own agenda.

If people keep voting for these two parties, then there will be no change. Labour will borrow more money to invest, then capitalism keeps rising falsely and then when the banks make the system crash, cons take back power and ruin the poor for labours antics. Rinse and repeat.

UKIP have done well and speak to the people, for the people and have some good policies but not clear enough on them in my mind. The green party are probably the best by far, but the trouble is they need someone like Farage for the party to step up and be counted. People are brainwashed by terrorism and anti muslim. Telling them to lose trident and not have a big army to defenditself isn’t going to win the election.

The venus project is a great idea and perhaps the way the elite are taking us, but really it is a communist ideology that does not offer diversity or evolution. But interesting for sure.

Local councils are doing the best they can, but we need to remember it is the heads of the political party in power that has caused the situation for the councils to have to deal with less money to spend. So even if the local leaders that are conservative are doing a fantastic job locally, we have to remember nationally they are not. So we cannot keep voting for them locally either.

If I had to vote right now, I would vote labour as at least it would offer a state of calm even if just for 4 years. Aim at building communities and hopefully enlighten people to vote green in the next election. But really I feel a new party is needed to smash the mirror of this false world. A party that takes action and leads the way. The all for one and one for all party.

The Party’s Manifesto

The armed forces–Increase the armed forces where necessary to be deployed in defence roles where necessary. Fight as peace keepers and not aggressors.

Homelessness and rehab units–I believe we are all born on this earth, so I cannot make homelessness illegal. I know some people live for it. But no one will be allowed to be squeezed out on the street again in poverty under this party. At the same time we cannot just give everyone a house, as it would not be long before every teenager annoyed at their parents lived on the streets for a free home.

So homelessness will be voluntary with a choice to go to a rehabilitation training camps for all addicts whether living on the streets or not where one can learn skills from team work, martial arts, comradeship. Basically the army without the stamp. And all rehab units up and down the country will close and come to these camps to be re-habilitated. Kind of like lads army but without the uniform. There will be different camps and areas for each need. Non addicts, alcoholics, drug addicts broken down in all categories will be separated where necessary.

I do not believe putting people in half way houses mixed with other addicts for 6 months living next to shops that sell booze and living near dealers houses helps the majority of people. Like I said at the beginning, everything is just micro managed. The people working in these roles can apply for jobs at these rehabilitation centres and it will be a lot cheaper than paying for people to have a bedsit or room where they will of course get bored and get back into the same addictions more often than not. We will work with buddahs predominantly on how to rehabilitate.

Healthy with no job- Similar to the above but there will be an option of joining a reserve army for defence purposes only in the unlikely event of invasion. Sign up for 2 years then one can leave or join the Army. The pay will be poor but again many skills will be learned and it is voluntary to join.

Royalty–We believe the royal family has been a blessing to this country especially after the war, keeping people together and national pride intact even in hard times. As a party we believe in up-keeping royal buildings for history and to provide work as well as tourism. However as the Queen just signs pretty much anything that is asked and isn’t helping her people in the austerity crisis. As well as allowing the country to have its nationality watered down then of course the royal family is no longer necessary. This will be put to the public vote however.

As an alternative to keep it fresh however. Say every 15 years there will be a power exchange where the current King or Queen will stand down and a new leader will be selected. This might help whoever is in command, think differently when it comes to signing and agreeing any political term that is presented to them by MPs..

Disabled- There is no excuse why disabled people cannot be looked after, many members of the DWP, Ian Duncan Smith and Jeremy Hunt should go to jail for their crimes against humanity. Under this party all disabled will be looked after on benefits. The mental health will be looked at and re-habilitate people where possible and find the route cause for future generations.

Food–It is upto us what we eat but we will increase public awareness by having more tv documentaries on mainstream tv spreading awareness. We will look at how Cuba became so successful at growing crops and will encourage people to grow their own here in the UK.

Pensions, Jobs and Technology–Technology is a blessing but also a curse. We will look into the pension scheme and look at scrapping the current method. The boss of BHS is an example of how it is a failed method so government may have to re-take control in this matter. If the case it may free up money for companies such as Asda to scrap self serve tills and employ more staff once again.

Alcohol–Although at present the government get 12 Billion a year tax from alcohol. Again it isup to the public what they drink but there will be an additional tax to pay for NHS fees due to alcohol abuse.

Refugees–If Scotland went to war with us tomorrow, I would not expect all English civilians to have to go to Syria to be re-homed forever. I would expect neighbours such as France, Wales, Ireland, Germany, Spain to take English refugees. So I do not expect the same the other way round. I think it cruel people have been through hell and forced to travel so far to safety. But also when a war in any country is over, then it is upto the people to go back to their country and help re-build it. If the conflict has been years and people have settled with jobs and homes, anyone paying their own way can stay. Anyone on benefits will have to go back to their own country.

Free movement -Free movement will be allowed to continue but anyone coming into the county to work, will have to put a holding deposit down for a return flight home to be kept by the tax office incase it does not work out. There will be no benefits for people coming to the UK for work for the first 5 years. So people will need to think carefully before they have children and come to Britain.

NHS–Will stay free for the public with the option for private like there is today. If anyone has had an injury sports related ,we will speak with individual sports associations if they would support a charity to help pay for the treatment.

Animal Rights- All animal testing will be made illegal with immediate affect. And alternative non harmful methods will be used. All products that fail to stop selling their products cruelty free will be banned from the UK.

Factory farms will be looked at again to see what can be done to make them more humane.

Energy and pollution–With over 40k people dying every year from pollution, it tells me we desperately need alternatives now. Not 2030, not a next election promise, but now. Fracking will be banned and green energy will be the head of the new industrial agenda for Britain. If we have to ban plastic carrier bags then so be it. It is time we did what was right in this country and not by somebody’s profit margin.

Housing–There will be no building on green belts. I would rather encourage working with other countries to re-home people. For example again Syria. Perhaps for any one that volunteers 20 years of labour to re-build the country will get a free home as well as a healthy wage to live there. But I would encourage building up rather than out and will look at the current situation with empty properties and the bedroom tax, to get as many people in homes as we can.

Education–Before Tony Blair opened our borders, people were having less kids as the education was rising and people were content in good paid jobs, life was fairer and future looking bright. If we got back to this method then I believe it would help resolve the population crisis.

Crime- Once again we will up the police force to fight crime. Longer sentences to paedophiles and rapists.


I am sure people will not agree with all the ideologies, but I just wrote this out in a few hours.

I made the above party up as a mock exercise to show difference can be achieved if we stop following the same regime that always stings the poor man. Capitalism can work, as long as disabled and poor can be looked after when they can no longer work or retired. There is no excuse to just cull people and still believe they have a moral high ground. So much more can be done. But not by the same old same old old parties that created this mess in the first place.

Tom Abrams

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