Following on from yet another pile of bullsh** on the front page of the Daily Fail

the police have concluded that there is insufficient evidence.

Their investigation into the reported assault on a 78-year-old poppy seller during a pro-Palestinian rally, citing “insufficient evidence.” Jim Henderson, an army veteran, alleged that he was punched and kicked while packing up his stall at Waverley Station in Edinburgh.

The British Transport Police, after reviewing CCTV footage and interviewing key witnesses, stated that the case would not be pursued further. Assistant Chief Constable Sean O’Callaghan emphasised the thoroughness of the CCTV footage review and expressed no indication that poppy sellers are deliberately targeted or at risk.

The incident occurred amidst a protest against the Israel-Gaza war, where hundreds of people occupied the station concourse. Henderson, who served in Northern Ireland during the Troubles with the Royal Corps of Signals, 32 Signal Regiment, recounted being punched in the back and side during the altercation.

The Daily Mail rushed to publish without doing any serious journalism.

Instead of being a serious news outlet out to discover the facts, they are a scurrilous rag whose intent here appears mainly to be to spread fear wherever they can without a due process for discovering certitude.

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