Let’s get this right:

Article 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights provides freedom of assembly. This means that every individual, regardless of cause, has the right to protest, march or demonstrate in a public space.

Not only does every individual have this right but the police have a duty to retain from restricting this right unnecessarily and they must take measures to protect peaceful protests. Even if they do not agree, or if there is some disturbance or offence caused to the general public, the police must demonstrate a certain degree of tolerance towards protesters.

An individual also has the right under the ECHR to freedom of expression. This includes a right to hold your own opinion as well as to receive and impart information without interference from public authorities.

While these rights are not absolute, they can only be limited if it is necessary and proportionate for the authorities to do so.

These rights also only apply to public spaces. Therefore, anyone protesting on private property without the permission of the occupier are likely to be viewed as a trespasser.

It therefore begs the question ‘whose back pockets are these officers in?’

Whatever one thinks of the specific protestor is irrelevant unless they are a threat to public order or the physical well being of others then they should have the right to express their dissatisfaction at government behaviour.

Democracy demands it. Fascism despises it.

Douglas James

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