In the following Attila The Stockbroker provides his reasoning for voting Labour at the next general election. Is it reasonable or a betrayal?

‘In a forthcoming ITV interview, Starmer was confronted with his radical lawyer past (some of which I experienced first hand at Wapping and second hand during the McLibel trial) and his apparently even more radical Trotskyist student years (I’m tempted to say it’s always Trots who move to the right, but that would be unfair).

Anyway, his response was to ask if anyone of his age believed exactly the same things as they did when I was 22.

Which made me think. Do I?

And, on balance, the answer’s yes, 100%, and even more so!

But a further 44 years experience of the baleful brainwashing influence of the rightwing press on popular ‘opinion’ (if it wasn’t so, ‘the rightwing press’ wouldn’t be a go-to U.K. political cliche) and the natural Tory bias of an electoral system unfit for any self-respecting banana republic has led me to the conclusion that suspending some of one’s core beliefs for tactical reasons to keep corrupt and venal far right Tories out of power in the face of a virtual right wing media dictatorship is entirely the right thing to do.

As long as the moment you get INTO power, you make it obvious by your actions that’s what you’ve been doing.

I know many of you will sneer.

If the outcome is as you predicted, I’ll be sneering too, I’ll promise you.

But at least let’s find out, shall we?

Attila The Stockbroker’

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When Dorset Eye met Attila:

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