I have nothing against Clive Myrie and perhaps I am annoyed, as a licence payer, at the wall to wall coverage of a 96 year old woman who lived in luxury from cradle to grave. Perhaps I am also annoyed that nearly two hundred thousand people lost their lives from Covid in the UK, many because the sociopathic government got call after call wrong and the BBC and other right wing pro establishment media played along with it.

Perhaps I am annoyed that when my 96 year old grandma died, who worked as hard as any member of the Royal Family, society was not forced to shut down by self imposed establishment mourning as has been thrust on us without any discussion.

Perhaps I am annoyed because decades of inequality, corruption, lies and bullsh** has taken its toll.

Either way Clive think before you open your high paid mouth, please take a moment to pause.

Following widespread criticism Myrie responded on twitter saying:

Now let us get back to our lives and stop dictating what we can and cannot do because a woman has died.

Thank you!

James Finlayson

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