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HomeDorset NorthBlogger's, Journalists, and Working Class Language

Blogger’s, Journalists, and Working Class Language

Working Class Language…

Isn’t it funny how the Press and the TV always present ‘The language of The Working Class’ as the language of the illiterate, the unthinking bumpkin, The Fool…
It is an oft repeated theme which springs up time and again in comedy shows on the Telly as they expose some random Ukip follower for the moron that he really is, but being Anti Ukip is not the real agenda and they don’t really mean to be a champion of the Left do they? What they really mean is – look at the working class fool using ‘The Language of the Retard’… because that is what TV Schedulers think of us working class plebs.

It is also how Journalists who scoff at bloggers in their foetid Newspapers backed by their Tycoon Masters Billions and aided and abetted  by a thousand staffers like portray us poor ordinary schmucks out here who have not been to ‘Journalist school’ to be carefully indoctrinated into unswerving belief in Big Brother, because we are in their eyes exactly that – ‘Schmucks’ and there really is now a ‘Big Brother Syndrome’.
What these journalists are of course, is puppets. They serve a Master, and we all know who those Masters are. They are Dogs and they are the pick of the litter, the chosen ones who must guide the rest of us plebs to the sheep pen of safety; and thus it is that any criticism of their beloved Sheppard’s Agenda is stamped upon and actively worked against, and yes I mean via false memes, false stories, lies, the infiltration of online groups, feeding false data and spreading disinformation which can easily catch out the best of us as we go about our busy lives…

This is why when they see a blogger of any standing with a large following make a mistake they pounce on them as though they serve a Holy Cause… because in their world view – ‘they and ONLY they’ may make political comment and be taken seriously, everything else is just the disjointed ravings of a lunatic or a insignificant Lefty stuck out on the fringe of yesteryear’s political ideology… at least that is how bloggers are often presented in the right wing controlled mainstream media.

But the truth is we online activists are just ordinary citizens doing our bit without the colossal economic back up of a Tycoon funded and thousand staffed News Agency to check every single thing and get what we say right 100% of the time….

But what is surprising, is just how many facts over the last 5 years have ONLY come to light because there is an alternative voice to the hugely propagandised right wing controlled Press and TV News here in the West, and furthermore – how many of these ‘facts’ revealed and shared with the public via the means of blogs and other social media sites, have time and again been proven to be accurate. And Ladies & Gentlemen isn’t that an astounding and earth shaking judgement upon the piss poor levels of News Reporting & Investigative Journalism that emanates from the bowels of our Main Stream Media.

Are some facts lost by bloggers? Yes. Are there some malicious agencies at work putting out deliberately false memes and articles with the set purpose to discredit anybody who uses their false data to challenge these so called professional Journalists? YES…. Are there also – other people who do similar things just because they are arseholes? YES… But the vast majority of people who challenge the accepted bullshit of professional News Agencies and their warped truths and often outright lies, do so because there is a real need…

I would also add, that from what I have seen of Journalists over the last 20 years, so many lack any form of moral courage, indeed very few, at least too few in my experience, are of the standing of John Pilger, which quite frankly is the standard I expect and demand from a ‘Professional Journalist’ charged with the ‘DUTY’ of Watchdog over our civilisations political and economic movers and shakers…
And that is a problem isn’t it… these people do not do their jobs well, most of them are shoddy, lazy, plagiarists lacking moral fibre and real insight.  But so too are we to blame for there are too many real life actual Schmucks willing to believe the shit they peddle.

We are a people bred stupid, over the last 40 years and we have been bred down to the lowest common denominator of stupidity; a people that willingly and blindly believe the lies that we are repeatedly told via the State controlled mediums of The Press and The TV News. We as a people must wake up and accept that we have been BRED stupid… so stupid in fact that a vast amount of people don’t even know that they are stupid? And just what precisely do you get when you couple this National Stupidity to Nationalistic Arrogance? Well you get a Britain ripe for a Fascist takeover that’s what….
But what boggles my ‘Working Class’ mind about all this, even in today’s politically ignorant climate where the vast majority of the public have no ‘true memory’ – and where the embarrassing superfluity of idiocy is exposed daily via the means of social media; what continues to boggle me, is the outraged cry of the working class turncoat who screams out his hateful bile and uneducated ignorance in response to some random Working Class Lefty exposing (once again) yet another example of the burgeoning greed of our Royalist Loving Politicians, as they scream in capital letters on Facebook or Twitter that classic line about – “IT WUZ DA UNIONS WHICH FUCKED UP DIS CUNTRY”! [and yes that really happened on my social media timeline]
Well apart from the appalling spelling, I am less interested in the Grammar, but at least they could make the fucking effort to run their splenetic bullshit through a word processor, [see what I did there?] what is even more appalling is the sheer unadulterated ignorance of their bilious assertions about ‘DA FUCKING UNIONS’ and what they did to this cuntry… oops I meant to say ‘Country’.

I guess such unthinking morons have never heard of Milton Freidman, or how Thatcher who following his evil advice almost exactly [or was it orders?] deliberately created 3 million unemployed people here in Great Britain so that she and her Quisling underlings could sell out their fellow countrymen in order to profit from the deliberate misery and poverty that they together created?

I guess such mewling gutless cretins have never heard of, or at least have conveniently forgotten, how Margaret Thatcher treated with Despots and Mass Murderers in Chile, Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Chad, Argentina [yes I did say Iran, Iraq, and Argentina – but there were many others], or how she deliberately increased the interest rates in this country to 14.5% so that ordinary people eventually lost their homes; homes that she was so keen for us to all own when she was first seeking election and gerrymandering Elections.

I guess these pig ignorant bumpkins, who exactly resemble the schmucks that snobbish journalists  so often portray us all as, have not once heard rumour that she did all these things in order to recreate a ‘British Underclass’ which the Elite so enjoy because, (putting it in a language these cretins might be able to grasp), it allows the rich bastards at the top of our Class System to create a climate of fear across the nation and allows them to garner for themselves unparalleled profits at the ordinary mans expense?

 I guess such weak minded lickspittles do not remember how Thatcher had a journalist murdered in South America for exposing her Government for selling Torture Equipment to these same Despots whom she had helped to grab power across the continent of South America in the first place – and who by the by ‘Disappeared’ nearly 2 million Human Beings after they seized power.

I guess these collaborating right wing scum refuse to believe that the miners were good ordinary hard working British Citizens, men who sought nought but a fair wage for working in difficult and hazardous conditions because any old invented fantasy is preferable to admitting to the truth that they are gutless cowards who like sheep will bow down and Obey any Dog commanded by some unseen Sheppard.

I guess these vermin are totally unaware that Ricky Tomlinson, (one of their much beloved actors off the Telly) back then stood with the miners against Thatcher’s ‘Harrowing of the North’ and was stitched up by her Government and was imprisoned for 2 years for crimes he never committed, and who also by the by, was given the option of not going to jail if he would but only just accept a plea of guilt for a lesser crime (which he also had not committed) and a fine of £50 quid. This measly attempt at Terror and Moral Self Subornment failed only because Tomlinson and his comrades had the ethical fortitude to tell Thatcher’s cronies to ‘go fuck themselves’.

I guess there are no ‘Government Cover Ups’… Hillsborough was the fans fault, they really did pick the pockets of the dead. Jimmy Savile was a one off monster with no Establishment figures involved. The Birmingham 6 were all guilty. The Iraq War was not engineered to enrich a very few of the Super Elite. Thatcher never sold arms to murderers. Tony Blair was a Lefty. And Nuclear Power? Well that is 100% safe isn’t it? And as for global warming? Well that is a Lefty Conspiracy (surprisingly the one conspiracy these right wing cretins are willing to believe in) And last but not least all Muslims are Terrorists…

I guess it never occurs to these pitiable imbeciles that doing just a little research online, just a tiny amount, would completely destroy the right wing fantasy concocted by our utterly unscrupulous right wing Propaganda News Agencies that “IT WUZ DA UNIONS WHICH FUCKED UP DIS CUNTRY” because any ‘State propagated hateful miasma’, any slur on Romanian immigrants by the Messiah Nigel, any slander that all unemployed disabled people are all ‘putting it on’ by any one of the rags that they label ‘Newspapers’ is a far more tolerable reality than the one which involves them looking at their own spineless, cowardly, obedient, collaboration with evil.

I despise these Political Journalists who heavily funded work so tirelessly for their not so unseen masters, I mean it… I truly hate them. I look upon such creatures as Nick Robinson as contemporary Lord Haw Haw’s, nothing but treacherous villains who deserve to share in the fate of William Joyce.

But what disgusts me more, is the working class idiots who scream out in their uninformed frustration that “IT WUZ DA UNIONS WHICH FUCKED UP DIS CUNTRY”…. such ignorant bumpkins are a stain on my class, a stain on the nobility of hard working class people throughout the ages, people who taught themselves to read and write despite what our so called ‘Betters’ did to undermine our societies.

These fools are a stain on the honour all of those who struggled against Fascism in the 30’s and 40’s. They are utterly reprehensible class traitors who are willing to get down on their knees and accept the munificence of a Master like the beaten cur’s that they so resemble…

What hollow creatures you are… you are deemed by our ‘Betters’ to be ‘worth less’ and thus having no moral courage coupled to your stunted intellects you accept this Worthlessness as real and act accordingly… and why? Because they make your SLAVERY an easy option.

Voltaire said “It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere” – and anyway after 40 years of being bred stupid we all know that “IT WUZ DA UNIONS WHICH FUCKED UP DIS CUNTRY” don’t we?


How’s that for Working Class Language?

Kanjin Tor

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