Boris Johnson has been practicing self isolation since before the general election

Lackadaisical  Johnson and his desperately inexperienced Cabinet are supposedly in charge yet increasingly the Coronavirus health crisis is being deliberately left to the British people to manage. There is just an empty void at the top, devoid of leadership. Johnson himself seems to have been practice self-isolation since before the election!
Sports organisations are unilaterally taking decisions – London Marathon, Football League – because of Government inaction.
Why is the U.K. operating a Coronavirus strategy so different from other countries?
A decade and more of Austerity has severely compromised our country’s capacity to deal with such a major health crisis. For example, the UK has fewer intensive care beds than the majority of developed countries; beds essential for the treatment of serious Coronavirus cases.
Suddenly the government is focussed on the production of ventilators to fill the huge gap in intensive care. Why was this not done months ago? Forward planning is surely what ministers and their officials are for! Further indolence and incompetence!
Boosting private hospitals with publicly funded ventilators is deliberately undermining the NHS!
The British Coronavirus strategy now is designed to use the U.K. population as a buffer,
for it to absorb the effects of the virus. They want to allow up to 80% of the population to become infected so the country develops “herd immunity” for future years. The side affect of that will be, as the prime minister said, families “will lose loved ones”.
Elsewhere in other countries those loved ones could be saved! South Korea has tested over 240,000 potential Coronavirus cases; its fatality rate is under 1%
Government ministers and MPs are being awarded higher pay rises, yet they expect the biggest health care crisis in a generation to be DIY managed by the British public!
A passenger flying in from Milan, in the midst of the Italian Coronavirus outbreak,was amazed to find that the airport in Britain had no checks, no tests, not even enquiries.
Johnson is totally out of his depth, expecting British families to accept the  deaths of loved ones. Ordinary people will be the most at risk whilst Johnson’s rich cronies sidle off to cosy foreign billets, managed by high paid medical practitioners.
Why are foreign governments being so much more proactive than Johnson & co ? Why is Britain being allowed to drift deeper and deeper into the worst health crisis for a hundred years?
Andrew Milroy
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