Sent to: Cabinet Office, HOC Enquiries, [email protected], Maria Miller MP


Monkey see, monkey do

Good afternoon.

I see that corona hasn’t taken long to become a new fear and control weapon in the hands of the bunch of total incompetents at the top of this country’s useless government.

Today we have HazMatt Hancock telling us that “Nationwide restrictions cannot be ruled out should England see a spike in coronavirus cases this winter,” while the SAGE puppets, on cue (and probably paid) have come out with a figure of 81,000 potential deaths over the winter period.

Caroline Fairbairn said yesterday that unless everyone goes back to their offices, city centres would become ghost towns. Presumably she’s worried about the value of her Land Securities shares, because the CBI doesn’t have anything to do with small the businesses about which she pretends to express concern? Sorry, Cazzie, we’re not your private army, luv.

And, on the subject of everyone going back to the office, how is it that we’re all expected to do that, and ride on what would become overcrowded public transport in order to attend those offices, spreading the germs that our kids will be bringing home from school as they always do, when MP’s have just petitioned the Haunted Victorian Pencil to extend the hybrid system for Parliament? A case of “All animals are equal…” is it?


This in the immediate wake of Grant Shapps telling us that employers’ offices are safe… from the cocoon that is his own private study at home. There’s a lot of people out here now who’ve recognised that working from home using modern technology gives us not only flexibility to keep the kids safely out their disease-infested schools and to nip out for a bit of shopping while we remember what it is that we need, while making up the employers’ time requirements during our evening meal’s cooking time, saves a large number of us the cost of child-care, savings in fuel/fares and savings in parking fees, but also has rendered our air cleaner than it has been in decades. Why SHOULD we go back to what will make us poorer and less healthy, and which requires our employers to spend out on expensive alterations to their work space? Come to that, why should employers not take the opportunity to relinquish some of the over-priced office space that they have had to provide?

Even BoZo is on the “get them back to the grindstone” bandwagon. Not surprising seeing as his default behaviour is to automatically oppose anything that the public wants. In spite of that it is a remarkable position for him to be taking, seeing as he’s probably the most absent prime minister this country has ever had the misfortune to have inflicted upon it. He has earned the title “The Man Who Wasn’t There” quite comprehensively by being absent from his supposed leadership position at the exact time that every single problem, that this government has had to make worse, since January has arisen; he has lied until he’s blue in the face and now expects those he has lied to (that’s the public, in case he needs a map) to trust him; he seems strangely unaffected by the lingering effects of COVID that others have been left with, such as shortness of breath due to pulmonary fibrosis, or fatigue, yet he felt the need to occupy a NHS ICU bed while the Bug problem was in its early stages. Odd, that, until one remembers that the ICU tends to be next door to the morgue with its nice, comfy fridges…And you know what, Maria? He is making every other Conservative politician, regardless of their personal commitment, look equally abysmal.

Does Dominic “It Was An Eye Test! Honest!” Cummings not realise that we can see the glaring disparities between trot-out-when-the-pressure’s-on “scientific advice” mantra, and the public’s own common sense realisation that if we can safely be surrounded by strangers in fully enclosed offices and schools, we should also be able to meet up equally safely, if not more so, in the wholesome open air in our own gardens? It’s no wonder that an increasing number of people are hardening their belief that the whole thing is a conspiracy by governments to acquire and maintain more rigid control over us. If it wasn’t for the fact that I have flakes of skin detaching with annoying regularity from the ends of my fingers and toes – a lingering symptom of having had the Bug – I might have to concede that they could have a valid argument.

There’s an old, and very true, definition of good leadership: A good leader will do exactly the same things that s/he asks of those s/he leads. That leadership is conspicuously absent from this pathetic excuse for a government, and the Opposition and so-called “Establishment” are behaving no better. As for the Lords, being given a hundred and sixty-seven quid a day to stay at home… You know something? I could live quite comfortably if such an arrangement was applied to me too.Get your fat, lazy, overprivileged arses back to your own work-places, and you might find that you’d get more co-operation from those you are trying to compel with threats of fines and redundancies to do the same! And, Starmer, you might like to remember which sector of the population Labour was established to represent. You appear to have forgotten, but then I suppose enough shekels will have that effect on just about any politician, won’t they…?

At least there’s one piece of good news today, which is that the collective IQ of the Intelligence Committee has risen by a percentage point with the resignation of Chris “Failing” Grayling.

Small mercies…


Darren Lynch

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