Did he fall or was he pushed? Do we really care anyway? He’s gone, thank goodness. Off to the seedy dens to buy more joints and Colombian Marching Powder no doubt.
So, The High Priestess of Snooping and Paedophile Protectors is on the rampage, what does she have up her witch’s sleeve this time to continue the destruction of Britain?
Phil (useful idiot) Hammond as Chancellor eh? Great choice, a trained monkey would be cheaper and effective.
Boris (useful idiot) Johnson at the Foreign Office eh? Ditto.
Only the appointment of David Davies to ‘oversee’ Brexit has some useful credibilty. Let’s see just how long May’s Mafia can stall and delay the divorce from the Brussels Nazis, for sure they will.
‘Brexit means Brexit’….. what a comment from a proven Europhile!
How sad, no top job for any North Dorset MPs then? Perhaps a bit more bottom wiping would have made a difference.
James Pulleine