Breach of Contract


Prime Minister,

No links today, although I could have included one about Labour’s intention to reverse your tax cuts for the rich.  No point; it happens every time, and then you lot reverse it again with YAAAWWWWNNNN-inducing regularity.  It speaks to people only in the manner of reinforcing their certainty that, as an aggregated statistic over the course of a couple of decades, no-one actually profits.  There would be far more respect – nay, even SOME respect – forthcoming from the public and business-people alike if the government and Opposition would put their heads together, draw up an acceptable median tax rate within each social stratum, and then declare the whole damn subject off limits for political manoeuvrings in the future.  At least the public – ALL of us – would know where we stood.

The reason for people actually paying any tax at all has now become somewhat academic though, since the infrastructure of the nation has been so effectively dismantled.  Let me highlight just a few examples:

1.  The NHS – privatised but still dependent on tax contributions for its upkeep, otherwise the private companies would refuse to play ball;

2.  The national rail network – privatised, but still swallowing some £850 million of taxpayers’ money each year;

3.  The welfare safety net – contributed to by people of all ages over 46 years, for upwards of thirty years each, yet now doing everything it can in ways that are well-publicised examples of the despicable nature of its leaders, to avoid supporting us in our time of need.

1 and 3 each constitute the breach of contract that I mentioned in the header, above.  I suggest to you that, when the people finally realise that they are being fleeced for monies that are never going to be returned to them, as either services or support payments, it is highly likely that they will choose to withdraw their taxes from London and set up “Treasury Two” elsewhere.

That might not be a bad thing, you think?  Actually, it would be the disaster that you really, REALLY would not want to happen.  How would you pay the armed forces – that semi-hidden cudgel that you keep just out of sight as a behavioural control measure for use against the general population?  How would you pay the police, whom the public are now fully aware are corrupt beyond any hope of salvation?  How would you career mass debaters pay your own salaries and perks?  How would Cuz Liz get her grasping talons on her extra 20%?

You see, Prime Minister, you creatures in Wastemonster believe that you have the exclusive control of the purse strings of the United Kingdom.  I trust you will recognise, from what I have said here, that you actually do NOT.  We do, and we can take away from you, with sufficient provocation, every lovely shiny penny at any time we choose to do so.  All it would take would be for this country and Wales to follow Scotland’s lead and declare ourselves completely independent of London.  Probably on a Wednesday, when you’re all at PMQ’s, which would mean we could then keep you bottled up there, along with Cuz Liz in her big council house for which she doesn’t pay bedroom tax.  We could now do this quite legally, because your Party in government, in the matters of the government’s duty of providing adequate healthcare and welfare support, has irreparably breached the Social Contract that taxation paid for.  Those two breaches, by themselves, are more than sufficient to render the remainder of the Social Contract – paying for policing to oppress us with water cannon and tazers; armed services to forcibly and violently acquire overseas assets for the benefit of private capitalists, as well as provide armed aid to the aforementioned police when required; transport and roads; and YOUR JOBS – null and void.

How long do you reckon your pet police or, for that matter, your tick-tock Tommies, will continue to put themselves in harm’s way when there’s no pay packet acting the part of the dangling carrot?

And, of course, we have the examples of those who wish to assume the role of our social leaders – the corporate giants – to look upon when it comes to not paying our dues, don’t we?  If we were to all join forces as Directors of a new, huge corporation – maybe called “UK Inc” with the suffix standing for “inclusive” rather than “incorporated,” we could withhold our taxes and HMRC, on present showing, would do absolutely nothing about it.  And what could they do?  Your law (haha!!) courts would have no power in our independent nation.  Like all bullies and those who toady to them, HMRC is terrified of upsetting any organisation larger than itself.  They’ve proved it by failing to collect past-due taxes from the corporations, haven’t they?

So, in short, the message is, Prime Minister:  Start working for the nation, treating all people equally and fairly, or the nation WILL one day leave you and your kind ostracised permanently.


Darren Lynch

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