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Monday, September 16, 2024
In 2001, a pro fox hunting 'person' egged John Prescott. This happened. #OTD 2001. Labour Manifesto Launch. Deputy PM John Prescott is hit by an egg after encountering pro-fox-hunting protesters in Rhyl. He responds with a left jab.Prescott later tells Blair 'well you asked me to go out and connect...
The Natterjack Toad, one of the UK’s rarest amphibians, enjoys a stable population at Hengistbury Head Nature Reserve because of careful and targeted conservation work over the last 30 years, working closely with the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust. Helped by the wet conditions in 2024, the toad is having...
In 2005, a nursing home in the US got a six-month-old kitten named Oscar as a therapy cat. The staff soon noticed something unusual about him. Oscar often liked to be by himself, but sometimes he would go and lie next to one of the residents. Strangely, the resident...
In the U.K., mental health disorders affect a significant portion of the population, with 1 in 4 individuals experiencing such challenges every year. Anxiety and depression are amongst the most common mental health disorders. This reality highlights the pressing need for awareness, support, and empathy towards mental health problems...

Would you be fooled?

A Chinese zoo stands accused of employing a rather curious tactic to captivate its visitors: the alleged painting of dogs in hues of black and white to mimic the appearance of pandas. Reports circulating on social media unveiled Taizhou Zoo's latest attraction, purportedly showcasing "panda dogs" on the 1st of...
In this article, I intend to challenge my own fear of snakes by finding out why and how they exist, the different types of snakes, and the psychology behind my and many others fear of this reptile. I hope that many others will, like me, see snakes differently by...
Drivers in Dorset are reminded of the precautions to take on the county’s roads where deer may be present. With between 42,000 and 74,000 deer-related collisions in the UK every year, Dorset Council is sharing advice from the British Deer Society on how to be deer aware and keep safe. Deer can be...
In the enchanting tapestry of nature, the adder (Vipera berus) weaves its own intricate thread, embodying resilience and adaptation. As one of the few venomous snakes native to Europe, adders possess a captivating life cycle that mirrors the rhythm of their surroundings. From birth to adulthood, these serpents navigate...

I love this crow

Crows, members of the Corvidae family, have long captured the fascination of humans with their extraordinary intelligence and complex social behaviours. Revered in mythology and folklore across various cultures, these sleek, black birds possess cognitive abilities that rival those of some primates. Through intricate problem-solving skills, intricate communication, and...
Organisations, landowners and farmers came together last month to help shape a new plan to protect and restore nature in Dorset. Through a series of events, Dorset Council heard from local farm businesses, landowners and members of the Dorset Local Nature Partnership (LNP) on what they think should be done to make...