Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) is advising anyone planning to visit one of its 42 nature reserves in Dorset to adhere to the government guidance for social distancing and to only use these sites as part of their daily exercise allowance. If the site is busy, we are asking visitors...
We have some positive news to share.
Thanks to the relentless efforts of sabs and supporters, this bloodsport group is no more. Wildlife in this corner of the countryside can now rest easier. One down, many to go.
Good riddance!
Many of you will know that the North Down Hunt has...
Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) nature reserves to remain open and new social media campaign launched to support community during Covid-19.
DWT centres are now closed and staff at DWT have started homeworking where possible. Staff continuing to work from HQ at Brooklands Farm, will be undertaking social distancing. Thesemeasures have...
An unwelcome invader they will eat all kinds of pollinators, but their favourite food is honeybees. They also have a very nasty sting.
The Asian Hornet is about the size of a wasp. They are dark black/brown with an orange band on the fourth segment of their abdomen, they have...
Why might it be right to shoot deer, but not human beings?
Though the protest was against me, I sympathised. When demonstrators outside the theatre where I was speaking last week asked the audience to call me out as a killer, I didn’t dispute their claim. I am a killer.
While making...
Dorset Council is today launching a 12-week public consultation on rules about dogs in public spaces This will help with the development of the new Dorset-wide Dog-related Public Spaces Protection Order.
The consultation is a chance for people – residents, business owners, organisations and visitors – to have their say...
How many people want dolphins killed? Apart from the psychopath shooting them in Florida, and the Japanese hunters slaughtering them every year in Taiji Cove, I would hazard a guess at none. They are perhaps the world’s most-loved wild animals. Yet, every day, dolphin killers form an orderly queue, at supermarket checkouts...
Now let's make this the message to unite the country and get those festive pounds off.
Feel free to copy and put up.
Penny Lane
There was a small, non-descriptive bird sitting almost motionless on a branch above the summerhouse in our garden today. At first I thought it was a thrush, but it had stayed there too long for it to be a thrush. It took binoculars from an upstairs window to identify...
Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) has been made aware of reports that a number of dead dolphins and porpoises have been washed up on Dorset’s beaches this winter. We have been receiving information about sightings since 7th November.
The cause of death is unknown although higher numbers are often recorded...