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Sunday, September 22, 2024
Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) welcomes a long-awaited byelaw for protecting sensitive seabed habitats and marine life.  This legislation will extend areas closed to mobile fishing (such as trawling and dredging), to cover features within Dorset's two inshore Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs), Poole Rocks and Chesil Beach and Stennis Ledges....
A Dorchester vet is reporting that they have recently treated four fatal cases of a "new to the area" rabbit disease. Dave Cumber Vets is now advising rabbit owners in Dorset to have their pet rabbits vaccinated against a newer strain of Viral Haemorrhagic Diarrhoea – VHD2. This November...
Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) and Southern Co-op are joining forces again to help local families get out and about in nature. Research by the Wildlife Trusts has found that over three quarters of parents were concerned that children don’t spend enough time interacting with nature and wildlife. Last year’s...
You would be forgiven for thinking that autumn migration is just a mirror image of spring migration; swallows and house martins in in May and out in October. In reality this is far from the case, the two seasons and related bird movements are very different. There are various...
Badger Trust meets with Environment Secretary Michael Gove. Badger Trust Chairman Peter Martin and CEO Dominic Dyer met with Environment Secretary Michael Gove on Tuesday 24th October to discuss a range of serious concerns with the current badger culling policy. The meeting follows a number of previous meetings with MP's...
Serious safety concerns here in Sherborne with badger traps being found just off the main road WHICH EVERYONE USES to and from work at all times of the day. Dog walkers here in Sherborne out and about walking their dogs as early as half five before work etc, many...
Starved Wood-sedge may not be one of the most striking plants to look at, but it is famed for not only having been one of the UK’s rarest plants, but also having made one of the most impressive comebacks. This shy plant of woodland glades was actually feared extinct...
Why all the secrecy surrounding the badger culls? What has the government got to hide? A year on, they still haven't released data on any of the thousands of badgers killed last year, so we're forced to use data from the Randomised Badger Culling Trial, the only large-scale scientific...
One word sums up September for the keen nature watcher; SANDPIPER! We expect common sandpipers regularly in autumn as they make their way south and a small number of green sandpipers are always likely to be around. Most years a number of curlew sandpipers are likely and so it...
Following an item on this morning's Farming Today about a Cornish farmer worried about intimidation by badger protection campaigners. It would be nice if the BBC stuck to facts and stopped broadcasting anecdotal claims by anonymous farmers:- Re Badger Culls, Interference with culls by badger protection campaigners I've campaigned...