16.1 C
Monday, September 23, 2024
So, on Monday, Cummings lied about his previous written warnings of coronavirus. Personally, I thought it was a pathetic thing to brag about, given that it is well known that a pandemic (especially a respiratory virus) has long been known (and well-documented) by our intelligence services and government as...
TruePublica Editor: There is genuine hatred for Dominic Cummings – without doubt the most toxic character a sitting government has had to defend. But without Cummings, the man who illegally used data systems designed for post battlefield propaganda campaigns to win ‘hearts and minds’ in war-torn countries – the...
I f**king love this. (Eddie Snide): 1. Dominic Cummings, one of the few men to have ever been found in contempt of Parliament, moved onto contempt for everyone and everything 2. When the story broke, and he was accused of doing things that look bad, he said he didn't care...

Unity My Arse!

Evolve Politics: “David Evans, who previously suggested that ‘representative democracy should as far as possible be abolished in the party’, and has been widely described as a ‘factional, right-wing Blairite’, has been appointed Labour Party General Secretary. Interesting times ahead.” In keeping with praising where due, and calling out...
Jonathan Pie is let out of lockdown to do a report about the Dominic Cummings debacle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDnGQemzf2s
I contacted Private Eye about corruption at Labour HQ twice in 2019 but they were not interested. Let's hope they have finally realised that the corruption was real and that they missed out on a scoop. The full sordid account of how the nation was conned in six parts. https://dorseteye.com/leaked-labour-report-part-6-how-the-snides-got-their-positions-in-the-party/ Damien Stone If...
Michael Gove looks like his tongue has been glued to the top of his mouth when he is caught out: https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1265190747554406400?s=20 Here the sycophantic parrots repeat Tory central office commands in unison with statements that bear no relation to reality: A member of the Durham public exposes the Tory support for Mr...
Having watched that press conference it reminded me of Jackanory and for someone who did not have a Covid-19 test how did he manage to get expert medical opinion to support that he was healthy before returning to London. As for testing his eyes with a 4 year old...
“There cannot be one law for the prime minister’s staff and another for everyone else”.The words of Tory Brexit MP Steve Baker.  He complained strongly that the prime minister’s senior advisor “keeps burning through Boris’ political capital at a rate we can ill afford in the midst of this...
Why are many people still cheering the government on? Even after 40 years of asset stripping, the highest working hours and lowest wages in Europe, and record breaking levels of poverty? Why were the French out in protest after 2 years of this, but not the UK who seemingly...