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Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home Dorset East Speak Out! - Dorset East

Speak Out! - Dorset East

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Sanctions Regime is the presumption of authority to negatively and punitively impact the lives of others without their permission and against their will. Sanctions are the denial of the sovereign being of others, imposing life affecting (and ending) punishments without trial and...
I looked for synonyms for 'Lee Anderson' and I got this list: appallingcontemptibledepraveddespicabledisgracefuldisgustinghorridhumiliatingimmoralmiserablenastynoxiousrepugnantrepulsiverevoltingshockingsleazyuglyviciousvulgar abandonedabjectbadbasecoarsecorruptdebaseddegeneratedirtyevilfilthyfoulignobleimpureiniquitousloathsomelowmeannauseatingnefariouspervertedrepellentsickeningsinfulstinkingwickedworthlesswretched And add to that STUPID and IGNORANT! Ian Hislop, "Lee Anderson did a thing about St George's Day where he said he was incredibly proud.. He had St George's Day cufflinks.. And he said: this is one in the...

Forget-Me-Not Andy!

Andrew’s ‘misremembering’ legal attack on Virginia Giuffre is a tactic as old as time for the UK Monarchy. The Duke of York's efforts to gaslight Giuffre has failed spectacularly. Virginia Giuffre's lawyer has criticised Prince Andrew's legal team for requesting her mental health records, saying people "don't misremember sexual abuse...
Earlier this October, President Biden pardoned about 6,500 US citizens who had been federally convicted for possessing a small quantity of marijuana. The event re-ignited the debate here in the UK on legalising marijuana. This is a complicated issue but we do know quite a few facts that make...
I don't see how the evidence could be more overwhelming we live in an increasingly politically criminal country. Millions of the public informed by lying right wing tabloid media. If not lying then vicious one-sided polemics having all the same effect. Grenfell fire 2017, 72 people burnt to death or were...
All he had to do was say 'sorry'. But no unless there is something in it for him there is no chance. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1392556225263542275?s=20 The man is as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside. https://dorseteye.com/the-open-letter-re-boris-johnsons-lies/ Penny Lane PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Stuart Murdoch is a Scottish musician, writer and filmmaker, and the lead singer and songwriter for the band Belle and Sebastian. Here he, like many intelligent and astute people, nails exactly what the Tories are about and questions how anyone still doesn't get it. “What an insult that we should be expected to eat...
Confession I don’t suppose you’ve ever made a mistake? “Why would you ask that?” Because I’ve just made one. “Ah, I see… And you don’t like making mistakes, do you?” No. “Want to tell me?” No. “Are you sure?” I’m sure. Kill shot It’s… It’s something you said. You made me realise something. “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have intended – ” You said, “Is...
Our fascists are toxic but they aren't just racist, which is rotten enough, but our government and media is actively encouraging them to attack 'left wing' politics and to allow an attack on its own poor, sick and disabled citizens. Our government is using them to grow the 'right' via...
News has come in that the X53 Jurassic Coaster bus is being once again slashed as economics come before providing an effective rural bus service. Already, residents of villages on the route between Bridport and Weymouth are doing their nuts, and more than one resident who doesn’t drive has...