18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
A relaxing of coronavirus lockdown restrictions is being discussed in Belgium which could see gatherings of up to 10 people allowed on weekends - the only catch being it would have to include the same people every week. An expert panel has been appointed to draw up an exit strategy...
MI5 has warned that a Chinese government agent has been working in parliament "to subvert the processes", MPs have been told. A letter was sent to MPs by Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle who said MI5 warned him a woman called Christine Lee has been "engaged in political interference activities on...
Given that they are either adulterous ***** being sucked off in Westminster or fondling other men it does not leave much time... for Therese. There may be other reasons but I will leave that to your imaginations. However, she must be due for a BLOJO loyalty payment soon: https://dorseteye.com/therese-coffey-i-am-very-proud/ Penny Lane If you prefer...
In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, penned by a US resident, which was posted on the Internet....
WISE Up, a solidarity group for Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning, is due to stage a demonstration outside the Guardian offices on October 22 to protest the paper’s failure to support Assange as the US seeks his extradition in an unprecedented assault on press freedom. The date chosen for the protest marks the tenth...
I do not believe that wickedness of the kind that has assaulted Britain over the last 9 years has never happened before, but it's certainly the most extreme since WWII, although Thatcher was a close 2nd and, perhaps, a harbinger of what was to come nationwide. Thatcher took on...
The go to right winger if your brain is as small as a peanut that has had a size 15 boot stamped on it. This time it is face masks. He may be right, face masks may be useless and all those medical practitioners whilst in surgery may have...
George Monbiot
Far from holding the government to account, as it claims, most of the media was fast asleep while massive scandals brewed. How does Boris Johnson get away with it? How does he lie and cheat and break the rules with apparent impunity? Plenty of theories are aired in the media:...
Apart from the fact that Corbyn and Sturgeon came across as genuine, serious leaders and Swinson and de Pfeffel came across as imbeciles who have no answer to their atrocious past actions, something really leapt out at me. When de Pfeffel was pressed on his reneging of his promise to...
The following is from 2020 on social media: Taking to Twitter, one user by the name Whitters, wrote: “Brexit is proving as crappy as we always knew it would be.” Another user posted: “I always thought Brexit would be crap but it’s waaay worse than even my gloomiest 2016 predictions. But I’m prepared...