18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
HOW is the disgraced former general secretary of Labour, Iain McNicol, a man alleged in the Labour leaks report to be at the epicentre of the most despicable sabotaging in the party’s history tweeting about an ar*e-licking piece about KS in the New Statesman?! I mean, this is astonishing...
Anyone watching this clip should know exactly what to do with Boris Johnson. Thankfully a Freudian slip provided, out loud, just that as a starter. Susanna Reid is brilliant in this interview. People Johnson needs to vote on Thursday watch this show every morning. He hears about an elderly woman...
And this was a tame response. How will the corporate media and the establishment get them back in line now? They cannot stand him now and who can blame them? https://dorseteye.com/boris-johnson-fails-miserably/ Douglas James If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/
The massive issue with our government is trust. The trust in Boris Johnson and his uninspiring crew has been systematically undermined and its credibility repeatedly brought into question as they over-promised and under delivered across a whole range of issues. Glib words like “world class” or “world beating”  fall from...
Out of nowhere Dan Stevens tells it like it is and just look at Alex Jones' face. Introducing his new series Gaslit he goes right of piste: The mainstream does not often do this to the establishment so make the most of it. The independent media on the other hand explodes...

Dear Jeremy

Can I begin by sharing something I wrote for social media: Imagine a world without music, art, books, performing arts, creativity, humour, love, caresses, joy. None of these things come from government, all these things are for us, by us, great and small, so it is worth pausing to...
His name is Michael Rapoport. He is a Fox News reporter. He is described on social media as such: "He has quickly emerged as one of the most detestable propagandists in US history.". He regularly pumps out Zionist hate and falsehoods on his social media channels. Thus, when he stands in...
Here are some facts that were missing from today’s Daily Briefing and from the propaganda of billionaires (a.k.a. our newspapers): The USA is now the country with the highest number of cases, new cases, total deaths and new deaths. NOT including the USA, the United Kingdom is now: 1st in the...
From Professor Noam Chomsky to Professor Stephen Hawking to Albert Einstein…some of the greatest minds that ever lived were/are Socialists (including Anarchists re Chomsky). The scientific community have proven beyond all doubt whatsoever that modern Capitalism is destroying our very existence and that of our planet at a truly...
On Channel 4, I just watched as Boris Johnson's dad say something horrifically racist (again), doubling down on his racist son's Islamophobic remarks. Nish Kumar and the audience howled their utter derision and shock! Judge Rinder (of all people) rightly attacked his racism and his son's long history of prejudice. Today...