17.7 C
Sunday, September 22, 2024
boris matt lucas
The ridicule across the land is reflected perfectly in one clip by Matt Lucas/ https://twitter.com/WoodyHRT/status/1259580030142820354?s=20 OR https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1259820584575422466?s=20 Penny Lane
Aaron Bastani: “Pissing off two of your core votes, renters and Britain’s Muslim communities, in one weekend. Before Christmas it was the the north. What next? Teaching unions? Students?” We need to stop worrying about winning over...
This is so bizarre. The new leader of the Labour Party has implied that the commitments of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour included too many ingredients that would make the country much better. Apparently having a list of good things is too complicated for the electorate. Whereas the Tories merely repeated the...
For anyone who voted for Starmer, who still clings to the belief that everyone telling them he would switch to the right, abandon members based on members who knew him, politicians who knew him, filmmakers and lecturers who knew him, experts who knew him.... if the stitch-up job of the...
Being Prime Minister isn't what you had fantasised about at school, is it Boris? You cannot stand, like a commanding general in front of the braying Yahoos on the Government benches, using your superior, Etonian wit and guile to shoot down the foolish comments of the uneducated plebs on...
The 851-page leaked Labour Party report revealing the Party’s own senior staff acted to keep Jeremy Corbyn out of power and undermine those who supported his leadership, included false and misleading references to me.  I am therefore consulting lawyers with a view to taking legal action to force the Labour Party to...
We now have the highest death  toll from Coronavirus in Europe. The scientific integrity of the government advisory SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group) is becoming increasingly questionable as guidelines are deformed to fit in with political demands. Attendees at an early Coronavirus SAGE meetings were  “shocked, concerned and worried for the impartiality...
It does seem a shame that when reality is pointed out to Herr Hancock by a doctor he takes offence at the tone. No compassion form this droid yesterday, today and tomorrow. https://twitter.com/Channel4News/status/1257674035196018688?s=20 Penny Lane
Jonathan Pie yet again exploding the myth that 'centrists' have anything to offer apart from their own career trajectories. Despising people with principals is not a virtue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O2NsPioKBs&feature=youtu.be
How do those who want a much fairer and decent society respond to Keir Starmer and his Blairite shadow cabinet? How does society respond to the neo liberal monstrosity perpetuated by the Conservative party? All this and more with George and Chris. Douglas James