16.2 C
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Apparently, this creepy, inept twat is the man of the moment! Why? Because he has "written off" £13bn of the NHS debt!!! Just let that sink in for a moment. So... Matt Hancock has most generously written off the £13bn debt that the NHS had racked up. How exactly had...
How animals are treated is a global problem. There is particular barbarity in East Asia with China being a major culprit, but Western-style factory ‘farms’ (as well as being cruel and sadistic) are every bit as dangerous as Asian ‘wet’ markets in cooking up lethal pathogens. Let’s not forget,...
The sheer incompetence of a government that lectures Britain on the importance of self distancing and washing hands to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, and now has Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings, Health Secretary  Matt Hancock and Britain’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty all  self isolating with the disease! Boris Johnson...
Spot on. Those on the right attack those on the left. However, if the former do not sort out their putrid minds then coronavirus will be the least of the UK's worries. Malignant arseholes who can barely feed themselves without spilling the chilli in their Big Mac down their...
Open partitioning of an exhibition hall which will be full of CoVid-19 patients on CPAP's and ventilators... this produces the most dangerous of all working environments for doctors, nurses and support workers.... The virus will be in aerosol transmission. Surgical masks and ordinary filter masks, will offer no...
Time for Uk to re-assess? Having just watched BBC News; listening to the brother of the UK doctor who died of COVID-19 yesterday making the point how medical staff should be paid more, and the feature on our reliance on people on minimum wages keeping our country going; it seems...
Please listen to Lord Sumpton in the clip below. He asks us to listen to the scientists and to reach our own conclusions separate from politicians who may have other agendas that influence their decision making. We should all be shepherds when we can and not merely sheep to...
Ministers - MPs - officials and researchers : Further to the email sent to Ministers/MPs 27th March (attached), evidence could not be more graphic of the enormous failure of government to pre-plan adequate personal protective equipment for the NHS, and this adding to the astonishing refusal of government to promote...
So, the government and their media friends are deliberately misleading us!! I have seen the announcements, watched the News reports, read about a dozen newspaper articles... and the vast majority of these have served to MISLEAD THE PUBLIC!! Following massive criticism of the government's complete failure to test for Covid-19,...
The prime minister is increasingly  looking weak and indecisive. Stephen Glover wrote in the Daily Mail, that “every significant new measure has had to be wrung from Boris Johnson, and then it is  too late!” Promises are made and then ignored. Protective equipment and clothing for front line NHS  staff...