16.3 C
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Today was Jeremy Corbyn’s last Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs). Watching it I was humbled, inspired, proud and my respect for this truly, truly remarkable human being could not greater. I genuinely have never met a better human being. He embodies absolutely everything good about the human species, no matter...


Amongst the avalanche of people online pointing out that today's fiscal measures for the government to actually intervene and help people is what Socialism is all about and also exactly the things that Jeremy Corbyn has been urging the government to do for the last 10 days in PMQ's...
This is a long winded contribution to this thread but you should expect nothing less from me lol. As this relatively old article highlights - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-viruses-alive-2004/ – I think it is fair to say that we, human beings, do not really understand how viruses fit into our understanding of life forms....
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Head of the World Health Organisation today said: “WHO continues to call on all countries to implement a comprehensive approach with the aim of slowing down transmission and ‘flattening the curve’. This approach is saving lives and buying time for the development of vaccines and treatments. To...

Dear Boris

It is with a trembling heart that I write to you today. I've been dying to for so long now. You see, I wrote to your predecessor, Dave, almost every day for almost two years, but I always somehow knew that his shining, but sometimes flaccid, presence in Parliament...
I would like to post on behalf of other care homes in and around Dorset facing the same struggles as we are in our care home in Dorchester. We are a 22 bed care home providing complex care for 70-101 year olds - the most ‘at risk’ people in our...
Lackadaisical  Johnson and his desperately inexperienced Cabinet are supposedly in charge yet increasingly the Coronavirus health crisis is being deliberately left to the British people to manage. There is just an empty void at the top, devoid of leadership. Johnson himself seems to have been practice self-isolation since before...
Blatant bias from that disgusting rag, the Daily Mail (nothing new there). How does Labour's manifesto pledge to spend an extra £90billion amount to a plan to bankrupt the UK and less than a year later the No Money Tree Conservatives are applauded for increasing spending by £300 billion....
Do as I say, not as I do’ – says our leader, Boris.  The irony of a tory health minister contracting the coronavirus (COVID-19) is bemusing. What’s more, is Boris Johnson being in close contact with the minister, yet ignoring his own health advice to self-isolate if in close contact with...
Jeremy Corbyn sums up the Prime Minister and as many have commented since December 12th - who is sick and depraved enough to vote for this person? He epitomises everything that is wrong with the ignorant mind. https://twitter.com/Rachael_Swindon/status/1237713691992350720?s=20 Penny Lane