15.2 C
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Caroline Flack’s death was another tragic loss in the world of reality TV. A loss that could have been avoided. After another Love Island star, Mike Thalassitis, took his own life, the Metro newspaper discovered there were 38 other victims around the world who also took their own lives...
I am medically retired having paid for my meagre NHS pension & despite pain etc do quite a lot of voluntary community work. My basic salary if I was able to work again would deem me “unskilled” in the new phraseology despite being able & expected to take charge...

A open letter to Jennie Formby

Dear Jennie Formby When I joined the Labour Party I never imagined such a barrage of damaging accusations of anti-semitism against the party. It has never been a topic of conversation where I live or among any of the people I know and I suspect a large proportion of the...
Not much more to it really. We only have to look at the proposed contenders for PM last time around to see what the majority expect. Boris Johnson favourite for Leadership in a typically strong Tory field The characteristics will be: Public school Talk bollox Absolutely devoid of all empathy and...


Below is an email I've just sent to BBC Radio 5 Live: Dear BBC Radio 5 Live I am long-term and frequent Radio 5 listener. I am writing to complain about the language that was used by Presenter Tony Livesy at 16:04 today during '5 Live Drive' in introducing the topic of...

Dear Jenny Formby

Guys, I have, as planned, written my letter to Jennie Formby asking her to refer me to the compliance unit for 'antisemitism' in an attempt to add my voices to those trying to expose this witchhunt for what it is. Please feel free to copy and paste it and...
Seems like a fair question. Most of them are self serving bureaucrats working on behalf of lobbyists/interest groups, determined by who has the biggest wallet/ego. Why not just jettison them all unless they are prepared to ensure that we have an actual democracy in which those who want to be...
Why ? Basically....Because it is deemed by the Labour party that it is anti semetic to Say....I object Strongly to the Israeli army Murdering Slaying & Land grabbing from Palestinian people. Also, because I point out that 80 of Conservative MP's & many Blairites are ... FRIENDS OF ISRAEL ....effectively , paid Agents for...
I belong to England, but that England is not the self-important, arrogant and ill-informed England of Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage, the European Research Group or Tommy Robinson and the English Defence League. It is not the England ‘owned’ by the rich, nor is it the England of those people...
Climate targets seem sensible, but are actually impeding effective action. Let’s do something completely different. The crisis is not imminent. The crisis is here. The recent infernos in Australia, the storms and floods in Brazil, Madagascar, Spain and the US, the economic collapse in Somalia, caused in part by a devastating cycle of droughts and floods,...