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Sunday, September 22, 2024
So many of us have been despairing of the world lately. We've been saying things like: "What the Hell is going on?!" "How the Hell can this be happening?!" and "Stop the world; I want to get off!" As I'm sure Dorset Eye readers know, Trump and Johnson's electoral victories...
Boris Johnson has conveniently turned a blind eye to the actual reality of the ownership of U.K. ‘s key strategic sectors. Many are actually controlled by overseas interests, in numerous cases, by our former EU partners. So much for “taking back control”! Former Tory prime minister Margaret Thatcher, through her...
Brexit is a healing salve according to Johnson. In fact, it could be the beginning of the end for the Tories. According to Tory ministers, there are more people in employment in the UK than ever before and Brexit is a master stroke that will open up all manner of...
It’s not an “error” or an “accident”, as the police now claim. It’s a pattern. First, the Guardian revealed that counterterrorism police in south-east England have listed Extinction Rebellion (XR) and the youth climate strikes as forms of “ideological extremism”. Then teachers and officials around the country reported that they had...
Articulate, erudite and concise - the voice that should help to propel us all. No more mangled sentiments from so called leaders with us staring at nothing in the corner of the room. The future is ours (not theirs) if we want it. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1220627155572477952?s=20 Penny Lane
Centrism is being destroyed in the UK, AS, France... and the reason is that no one knows what it is and no one trust those who say they are to do anything worthwhile. https://twitter.com/edwardpoole1975/status/1220375965118926848?s=20 Penny Lane
I Don't See A New Labour Leader As A Saviour! I'm More Interested In Other Potential Saviours? Whoever is Labour leader will be destroyed by the media. If it's Starmer, he'll be called 'the architect of Labour's disastrous Remoaner position', a 'Blairite' (and everyone hates Blair) and 'the man who let...
Imagine a world where the corporate media actually cared. Genuinely cared about its readers and the wider world. It did not pander to advertisers and billionaire interests and lobby groups. It actually wanted to save the planet and the life on it. Damned challenging isn't it given the crud that...
Truth to Power - on the point of Debby Monkhouse and all involved in Defend Dorset NHS putting in countless hundreds of hours, over four years, doing everything in their power to try and save Poole A&E, and Poole Maternity. And whilst latest news is that Poole A&E will relocate...
We should all despair. At our politicians. At our educations system. At our corporate media. At many of the public. It is not the idea of Brexit per se but that those who voted for the Tory version are the victims of all of the above and much more. Penny Lane