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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Why is David Collier so vile?

What we have here are: Abuse Lies Defamation Possible incitement It is about time either the police or solicitors or both got in touch with Mr Collier and asked him who is pulling his strings and if he aware of the impact his pernicious behaviour is having on the country. None...
Allowing the seas to recover from the outrageous assaults of commercial fishing can help heal our own wounded lives. It’s going to be a rough year, perhaps the roughest I’ve ever witnessed. The fatal combination of escalating climate breakdown and the capture of crucial governments by killer clowns provokes a horrible sense...

This is what we are here for

Following years of lies by trolls organised by at least two states and probably more, the independent media continues to bring to the show what the billionaire corporate media never will. Honesty and integrity.   https://twitter.com/treezsteele/status/1214906264720990209?s=20
Come on you two. Where are you? You couldn't blabber enough when Jeremy Corbyn was in your firing line but now it is Orally Flatulent Boris Johnson you have gone back to your roosts. The PM is on his holidays with his bit on the sides and no word about...
We are living in hideously awful, godless and godforsaken, times, yet, as a human being, I have a deep need of something more than mere survival. Every creature on earth is engaged with survival, there's no mystery involved in having to eat drink, sleep, shit and look after ourselves...
Are we going to just report this every time it happens? Or is it time for a participatory democracy that chooses to fight the Tory killing machine? We will have to decide quickly as yet more bodies pile up. https://twitter.com/johnson_watch/status/1212706082163957761?s=20 Douglas James

Dear Jeremy

Can I begin by sharing something I wrote for social media: Imagine a world without music, art, books, performing arts, creativity, humour, love, caresses, joy. None of these things come from government, all these things are for us, by us, great and small, so it is worth pausing to...
Many of us know that we are being played. Whether it be selected information, inaccurate information or de contextualised information, the billionaire corporate media is responsible for controlling our consciousnesses. Distracting us with mind numbing 'entertainment' and choking the imagination and intellectual curiosity out of us is their raison d'etre. It...
A question I never thought I would be forced to ask myself. What do I do if the government of the UK not only betrays me but is, in any meaningful sense, of no damned use to me, my life and well being, at all? In fact, quite the...
Glenda Jackson is not merely a name; she embodies an era of theatrical brilliance, political fervour, and unyielding determination. Her life's journey, adorned with remarkable achievements and profound impacts, traverses the realms of stage, screen, and politics. Through her unparalleled talent, unwavering activism, and fearless spirit, Glenda Jackson has...