21.1 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024
On Channel 4, I just watched as Boris Johnson's dad say something horrifically racist (again), doubling down on his racist son's Islamophobic remarks. Nish Kumar and the audience howled their utter derision and shock! Judge Rinder (of all people) rightly attacked his racism and his son's long history of prejudice. Today...
Tories UK wide in total 13.5 million votes. Other parties, supporting at least second referendum, Labour, SNP, Lib Dems, Greens,15.5 million votes. In other words, if we had a proportionate voting system numbers of seats won, reflecting the support of the British people, would be a very different result. So what next? Scotland...
The Conservative win is a very harsh reminder that we live among self-serving people who arguably support racist, prejudice beliefs and discriminate against ethnic minorities, the disabled, single mothers and our youth. Furthermore, what is even more concerning is that there is a somewhat delusional belief they will in...
We know the reality about Mr Corbyn because we have met him and talked to him. We have met many of the people who supported his vision. Some have become our friends. However, many millions were blinded by the corporate media and gangs of organised trolls and agents who went...
The tragedy of a Tory victory is of course also reflective of, as one Professor stated, that too many in the nation are now so 'stupid and selfish' and cannot cope with complex explanations to complicated things. Brexit will take many years and is by no means guaranteed to even...
We’ve taken drastic action to try to stop the election from being won by outrageous lies. One of the golden rules of journalism is that you don’t break an embargo: a block on publication until a certain date. For the first time in my career, I’m breaking one now. The...
So, the news broke of the 4-year-old boy with pneumonia forced to sleep on the floor of a Leeds hospital due to lack of beds (due to Tory cuts). The Tories had two responses: firstly, de Pfeffel's refusal to look at the photo of the child (he took the journalist's...
If people are stupid and cruel enough to vote for Boris Johnson and his hateful parasites then they deserve no sympathy or no expectation that the country will put up with it. They may get a majority via a FPTP voting system but the majority who vote differently should...

In defence of the tory voter

You’ve seen all the reasons why you shouldn’t, but some of you are still voting for the Conservatives on Thursday aren’t you? I mean you’re not proudly displaying it on your Facebook profile banner like the Labour, Green or even the Brexit Party voters, partly because you’re a bit worried...

A message from Frankie Boyle

It's all here. If you vote Tory or a party pretending not to be bring on the karma. Douglas James