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Monday, September 30, 2024
A man calls in to moan about Mick Lynch and then gets everything wrong. One would have thought that he would have an idea what he would say before looking a complete **** live to the nation. Who is Mick Lynch? Mick Lynch is a trade unionist and the current general...
"I sometimes wonder why you exist to be quite honest with you." A feeling shared by tens of millions of Brits I have no doubt. BREAKING: I must bring you the upsetting news that Laurence Fox has been made to look like a massive dickhead again ????pic.twitter.com/RRTZEoGBLM— Laura Kuenssberg beyond parody...
Seriously dog sh** is more of a Christian than this thing. He makes the skin crawl of tens of millions of people and even blames his own party for the failings of his Brexit. Apparently UK fuel prices are the worst in the world because of our green policy...
Some newspapers claim that Whitehall civil servants were unhappy about the behaviour of the Home Secretary Suella Braverman but the truth is that it is Tories in Westminster who are flagging up the deficiencies of the inexperienced, overly ambitious minister. As one Westminster Conservative remarked that  Braverman “is not stupid,...
Survival in the world of media is a stressful experience. It requires resiliance and a very strong will. Competition, limited resources and a reliance on being very quick in a fast moving news landscape can lead to excitement and dejection all at once. The corporate media have grown to the...
Keir's Starmer block on Jeremy Corbyn standing for Labour in the next general election has given the former Labour leader's support in the country a huge boost, according to the producer of a controversial new film about the party The documentary film, "Oh Jeremy Corbyn — The Big Lie", is...
If you buy the meat of once living animals that were exploited, tormented, tortured and then slain AND you are a far right propagandist you deserve everything you get Sarah Vine. Just paid £23.50 for two sausage rolls at Clapham junction station! Just a normal kiosk. Insane.— Sarah Vine (@WestminsterWAG)...
REFUGEES WELCOME HERE! NO TO CAMPS, PRISONS, BARGES The Tories’ racist campaign against refugees has plumbed new depths. Vulnerable people who have undertaken long, risky journeys in the search for asylum are to be put in a barge in Portland Harbour. Here they will be held in a security zone and...
There is no doubting that Keir Starmer is an establishment stooge put in place to give them a safe pair of hands when the Tories implode. Since Thatcher, the establishment has put Blair in place to takeover and now Starmer. Starmer, the man who as a member of this...
No one, I repeat no one says it like Kathy. Anyone who thinks it is ok to be anti woke has my sympathy but not Kathy's. 'Evisceration' is the word that comes to mind. And when an anti woke is given a platform this happens: https://dorseteye.com/if-you-are-anti-woke-make-sure-you-do-not-do-this-on-national-tv/ Penny Lane Join us in helping to bring...