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Monday, September 30, 2024
In an interview with Equal Times Ken Loach has launched a stinging attack on the Stalinist nature of the BBC and the liberal face of the establishment, The Guardian. 'The other significant event was the destruction of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and the BBC played a prime role in that...
What a truly vile woman. However, she represents the views of some really vile people. Today, three human beings froze to death in the Channel. I asked the Home Secretary if she would hold out the hand of humanity to desperate people trying to reach our shores. She told me...
From ukfactcheckpolitics This is quite an emotional and difficult watch so unless you are soulless be warned. Thankfully Phillip got the help he needed after his local MP was actually listening to LBC, whilst the call took place. There are many people in the UK, like Phillip, who are suffering...
First a poem: BE REASONABLE We'd like you to strike when it doesn't disrupt us when it won't interrupt us going about our daily life We'd like you to strike when it won't cause strife when no-one will notice Please don't misquote us Of course we support you we don't want to thwart you just asking for some consideration Don't get ideas...
There are points when people just give up with facts. What is the point when some people are so brain damaged by the corporate media or 'their mates down the pub' that facts are rendered obsolete. As James says the milk of human kindness in the UK is leaking...
Madeley the corporate clown again showed up for the utter harlequin he is. Love it how Mick keeps his cool and then simply buries Madeley without any effort. Partridge in a pear tree.The rant before Christmas.Call it what you will but enjoy and share Richard Madeley interviewing himself!#SupportRailWorkers pic.twitter.com/mYye2R4AYD— RMT (@RMTunion)...
I voted and campaigned for remain in the EU Referendum. However, as I did then and I still do now, I totally acknowledge ‘my side’ lost, and that there were good reasons to vote to leave the EU. I was just on the side of Remain, mainly based on...
Former chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has admitted he and Liz Truss "blew it" and got "carried away" with bringing in sweeping economic reforms. The Tory MP said the low-tax, small-state plans they had were "very exciting" and he was fully behind them but accepts that the way they were executed was...
We know the government are panic striken. How? Because their paid trolls are hitting it heavy on social media. However, they are not the brightest are they? And we know their propaganda and lies are working because many others on social media have succumbed and are so gullible. Thus unfortunately, a reminder...

Don’t be like Bob

This is Bob Bob is 38 years old Bob works as a forklift truck driver Bob reads the Sun Bob believes what the Sun tell him Bob reported people he suspected of benefit fraud because the Sun told him to. Bob voted for Brexit to keep all the foreigners out Bob insists Brexit needs time to...