10.1 C
Sunday, September 29, 2024
What does one do with a person who gets all the big calls wrong? Quote him as author of your macro economic strategy of course. Nick Robinson - Will borrowing billions of £... increase or decrease inflation? Liz Truss - My tax cuts will decrease inflationNR - Can you point to...
Some info about Mark Thomas: Mark has been performing comedy for 35 yearsHe has written 5 books and 4 playscriptsCurated and authored 2 art exhibitions with artist Tracey Moberly.Won 8 awards for performing, 3 for human rights work and 1 he invented for himselfHe has taken the police to court...
If you are going to have your pants pulled down do it in private, not on BBC Question Time. This man seemed so assured and then wallop. Fiona Bruce didn’t like it when her little Tory plant got his arse handed to him on a plate by Chris BryantFFS her...
As the Labour right try to re-write history to cover for their genuinely astonishing incompetence, here is the *real* history. So, worst case scenario Starmer & Evans have blown £16 million since taking charge. Best case £13 million. Oh, and a reminder that huge amounts of pay outs from...
Gonna need a very sugary cuppa or a defibrillator after this. Kenny MacAskill and Neale Hanvey, Alba MP's, explain why the Speaker kicked them out. Two @AlbaParty MPs were kicked out of the chamber for protesting about Boris Johnson blocking another independence referendum just ahead of #pmqs I caught...
I’d say within one year, if not sooner, we are going to see mass civil unrest. As the cost of living crisis becomes even greater, as the Scots demand a second independence referendum, as lots of public sector workers quite rightly go on strike, as Covid continues to run...
I suspect Chris Lewis is not saying that Johnson was an opponent only that his increasingly shambolic and chaotic approach to life was undermining that agenda. Make your own minds up. @dorset_eye https://t.co/nPOK3vF4CK— Phil W ???? (@Krapotkinskiss) July 8, 2022 It is very possible that right academics understand Marx and that...
He got him where he wanted him. He through a garlic clove in the air and then wallop. "The reason these things happen is because of you! Pincher took liberties because he knows you take liberties."Chris Bryant MP furiously lambasts the Prime Minister over the culture in Westminster. pic.twitter.com/RHK3bYyx98— LBC...
Words are beginning to fail me how these dreadful non humans were allowed out of the womb. If there is devil, here is one of Satan's spawn. Hopefully Jeremy Corbyn will sue this Tory MP after what he said about him this morning?https://t.co/csOxMZQ1ca@OwenJones84 @robertlindsay @MPeakeOfficial @hackneyabbott @simonmaginn @cocteau8 @skwawkbox @evolvepolitics @dorset_eye...
Boris Johnson left red faced... again
Forty years ago a master at Eton College wrote a letter to Stanley Johnson about his 17 year old son, Alexander Boris, he told him that his son sometimes seems affronted when criticised for what amounts to a gross failure of responsibility….”I think he honestly believes that it is...