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Sunday, September 29, 2024
Probably the most astute commentator of our generation with some very sound guidance. In the mood for some more Miriam? https://dorseteye.com/have-a-bit-of-miriam/ Penny Lane If you prefer demanding content that turns the apple cart upside down please SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and please support us where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen...
Inside the maelstrom it became 'Remoaners' vs 'Racist Nazis'. Out side the maelstrom it was just 'Racist Nazis'. The problem though is that by enabling an incompetent adulterous lying fraud to take the wheel the UK's credibility has become literally a joke. Also those who were so desperate to...
Given that they are either adulterous ***** being sucked off in Westminster or fondling other men it does not leave much time... for Therese. There may be other reasons but I will leave that to your imaginations. However, she must be due for a BLOJO loyalty payment soon: https://dorseteye.com/therese-coffey-i-am-very-proud/ Penny Lane If you prefer...
The second of this two-part series examines why so many journalists are keen to cooperate with – and parrot the key messages of – the intelligence agencies Earlier this month, Russia banned 29 British journalists, including several from the BBC and the Guardian, on the grounds that they were “associated with the...
Having already set the scene for the reality of Ukraine https://dorseteye.com/ukraine-a-beginners-guide/ Clare Daly takes us to the next part of the plan: Clare Daly "The goal is... to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Ukraine and back into the hands of a transnational security...
The left has sunk a long way since the Iraq war. The renowned public intellectual Slavoj Zizek is the latest recruit to the war hawk camp over Ukraine  Have you noticed how every major foreign policy crisis since the US and UK’s invasion of Iraq in 2003 has peeled off...
The cases of Carole Cadwalladr and Paul Mason reveal how readily celebrated media figures are recruited to the intelligence services’ covert information war against other journalists Events of the past few days suggest British journalism – the so-called Fourth Estate – is not what it purports to be: a watchdog...
There are two major aspects of the government’s policy of deporting migrants to Rwanda which have not been fully considered. Serious doubt has been expressed by people in government about the lack of forethought and research which has gone into the Rwanda project. The Home Office Permanent Secretary has stated "I do...
The police like any other profession are recruited from society. However, the attraction of the police for many is the element of reflecting authoritarian personalities. First identified by Theodor Adorno et al. (1950) it refers to a person who has extreme respect for authority and is more likely to be...
I love how the Labour right are going nuts re the win in Wakefield, and mocking most Party members, campaigners etc by saying those on the Left will be crying etc. This is very revealing, of course…. 1. We are not like you as outlined *in their own words* in...