10.6 C
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Yet more cancelling from the right of politics. Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who has been resident in Tikhvin Cemetery, Saint Petersburg, since 1893, denied he was linked to Putin. Looking somewhat the worse for wear, Tchaikovsky told the BBC that his 1812 Overture "was in fact a commemoration of the...
In a little over two minutes Boris Johnson talked enough sh** to fill a farm and provided enough examples in the art of bullsh** to put on an exhibition. The question is why does the Commons not have procedures to do anything about this? It is totally embarrassing for the...
The following is a letter from one friend to another attempting to explain what is happening currently in Russia under Putin. The names of the correspondents have been removed. Thank you very much for your letter. It is a terrible situation. I tell you briefly how it is explained from a Russian...
Journalists are cheering on the arming of militias and civilians making improvised explosives – acts they usually treat as terrorism It is simply astonishing how many western journalists, including normally cautious BBC reporters, are shamelessly fawning over young women building Molotov cocktails on the streets of Ukrainian cities like Kyiv. It’s suddenly sexy to make improvised...
There is a sewer of dirty Russian money flowing through London.  Yet when Putin invades Ukraine, the Tory government has been unwilling or very slow to take action. This contrasts markedly with the EU and USA who have targeted oligarchs and their assets within days. Other countries seize assets like...
The following is from 2020 on social media: Taking to Twitter, one user by the name Whitters, wrote: “Brexit is proving as crappy as we always knew it would be.” Another user posted: “I always thought Brexit would be crap but it’s waaay worse than even my gloomiest 2016 predictions. But I’m prepared...
As Bob Marley pointed out Fiona Bruce, this woman is still waiting in vain. https://twitter.com/Femi_Sorry/status/1499552163336437760?s=20&t=3fZEL2Xt4szSjMw7uEb1-Q Detail: https://dorseteye.com/please-look-closer-to-home/ Another in an increasingly long line of examples of... Douglas James If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/

YOU are good People

To all you good, good people…I speak in generalisations here… Please remember you are absolutely good people. Great people. I am aware of the hundreds of thousands, dare I say millions of UK Labour members, activists, supporters & voters who currently feel so demoralised. So upset. I am also aware...
A personal request: Can all the “moderates” and “centrists” and mainstream media, FBPE, James O’Briens… you know the ‘liberals’ who are anything but…can you all please SHUT THE F**K UP SPECIFICALLY IN REFERENCE TO EGGING ON POLITICIANS AND THE PUBLIC TO SUPPORT WW3. I REPEAT: SHUT THE F**K UP NOW!!!...
Simple-minded media propaganda – like the claim Russia’s Putin is deranged – is precisely what brought us to the crisis over Ukraine How convenient for western leaders that every time another country defies the West’s projection of power, the western media can agree on one thing: that the foreign government in question...