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Saturday, September 28, 2024
It is worth looking closely at the background of Nigel Farage’s attack on the government’s Netzero plans to reduce carbon emissions, basically the phasing out of fossil fuels.  Who is one of the biggest producers of fossil fuels, and has the most to lose, especially as it would severely...

Forget-Me-Not Andy!

Andrew’s ‘misremembering’ legal attack on Virginia Giuffre is a tactic as old as time for the UK Monarchy. The Duke of York's efforts to gaslight Giuffre has failed spectacularly. Virginia Giuffre's lawyer has criticised Prince Andrew's legal team for requesting her mental health records, saying people "don't misremember sexual abuse...
There’s no solidarity in the ‘sovereign citizen’ protests now taking off around the world, only incoherent rage. When a group in black fatigues called Alpha Men Assemble began practising paramilitary manoeuvres in a park in Staffordshireat the beginning of this year, it looked pretty threatening. These men, we were warned, were about...
The media meltdown at Johnson’s attack on Labour leader Keir Starmer isn’t about truth or principle. It’s just more cynical politics The media is incensed. The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has “smeared” the Labour leader, Keir Starmer. Fact-checkers are agreed it was groundless for Johnson to claim that Starmer failed to prosecute the disgraced...
I get the feeling that between Prince Andrew and Boris Johnson the UK looks like a pig in a tutu. So the parasitic, freeloading Prince Andrew has stated that he will be supporting (and working closely with) charities 'fighting against the evils of sex trafficking.' So is that final insult...
Whatever one thinks of the ex Commons Speaker his articulation of Boris Johnson is always precise and on the button. Just like this one: https://dorseteye.com/boris-johnson-condemned-this-guy-stinks And his summing up of the antisemitism accusations whilst Jeremy Corbyn was Leader of the Opposition https://dorseteye.com/john-bercow-as-a-jew-i-have-never-experienced-any-antisemitism-from-a-member-of-the-labour-party If you like our content please keep us going for as little...
There is no doubting that the right wing corporate media will now become the cheerleaders for slaughter. They always are. As long as they are back here reporting it and maximising their audience how many are killed and maimed are just numbers with a bit of pathos thrown in to...
Former prime minister Sir John Major has launched a stinging attack on Boris Johnson, accusing him of asking the public to "believe the unbelievable" over lockdown parties in Downing Street. In an apparent call-to-action for MPs to move against Mr Johnson, he said "deliberate lies to parliament have been fatal to...
The media outrage at Johnson linking the Labour leader to Jimmy Savile is because his comments inadvertently exposed the dark underbelly of the British establishment “Why is Boris Johnson making false claims about Starmer and Savile?” runs a headline in the news pages of the Guardian. It is just one of a barrage of...
First this revelation that Boris Johnson was advised not to repeat far right 'conspiracy theory' but did so anyway. The jury is still out on whether Keir Starmer can be absolved entirely from the blame: And the message from the Tory side is that the current crop of Tory MP's have...