6.4 C
Saturday, September 28, 2024
It’s not us the government intends to liberate. It’s the asset strippers, money launderers, property developers and oligarchs on whose behalf it operates. To adapt Ronald Reagan’s adage, the nine most terrifying words in the English language are “I’m from the government, and I’ll set you free.” Every time this government...
With regards to the recent news that all customers of energy companies in England will be given a £200 loan from the Government to be repaid over following years. I would like to state that I do not want this loan. I have not asked for this loan and I...
Ricky Gervais summing the government up. And this posh c*** as an example. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1490297498409259009?s=20&t=EILBOtPh_IDqZMTlDzkyfA If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/
This is to explain to other countries why the majority of Brits hate the sociopathic liar and his complicitors. Douglas James If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/
I was under the impression it required a full moon but I was mistaken. It can be any time of day but the trigger is the phrase 'Boris Johnson'. She goes through a hormonal metamorphosis not seen since the last time someone told her the truth about him. And the...
Her Holocaust comments were misguided and clumsy. But those exploiting the furore are the ones with the truly ugly motives Whoopi Goldberg is not someone I would normally rush to defend. Our politics are too far apart on too many issues. Many will doubtless take delight in the fact that...
Dominic Raab: Is there genuinely anyone out there who considers this man competent?
Complete the sentence 'If lightning struck Dominic Raab and Boris Johnson whilst they were out walking and it left them smouldering...'. Both are despicable non humans but when one comes on the radio, knowing that this would arise and does this, we know all is not well in the anuses...
Hopelessly out of her depth and if it was me I would be looking to say I'd been accosted with a bottle of Jack Daniels or I'd had a hard knock on the head. There can be no other explanation can there? https://twitter.com/markfazzy/status/1488234323174174726?s=20&t=BfpgIVRiMdDPJeWggLyjuw Mind you every time she opens her mouth...
Regrettably it has become blatantly obvious that the police have been asked to show their gratitude to the government for the huge number of goodies they have been promised in the Policing Bill - removing many of the inconvenient human  rights which hamper the way they can treat potential...
It certainly looks like it! https://twitter.com/ukiswitheu/status/1487197290725089289?s=20&t=KlHKrkpJD-AQlh-mWyz-3A The Met police have become more and more an appendage of this rotten government and the stink of 1930's... Germany is now making many people's stomachs turn. https://dorseteye.com/led-by-donkeys-have-cressida-dick/ Penny Lane If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/