9.5 C
Saturday, September 28, 2024
A senior Conservative has told Sky News that claims Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie attended a drinks event in the Downing Street garden during the UK's first national COVID lockdown are "indefensible". https://dorseteye.com/while-we-were-in-lockdown-boris-and-carrie-were-holding-bring-your-own-booze-events/ They told Sky News' political editor Beth Rigby that the situation is "as bad as it gets"."The...
The walking dead scream 'lefties' when analysis and pertinent evaluations are made. That is because they have no other comeback given their lack of political and critical thinking skills. However, when a Murdoch corporate stooge says it they have to fall utterly silent because their only response has been shattered...
If she had studied society from an early age she would not be uttering this absolute shite. She would be using her time more wisely and helping to share the solutions to the planet's problems. As it is she has been denied the intellectual experience by a government who is...
The corporate media is not our friend. The aim of its coverage of the pandemic is not to promote the public good. It is there to feed our anxieties, keep us coming back for more and monetize that distress When I criticize meddling in Syria by Britain and America, or...
Who is he appealing to? Working class Brexiteers? Tory voters? The Establishment? All of them? Read this https://dorseteye.com/the-14-characteristics-of-fascism/ then watch this and tell me I am wrong. Douglas James If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Many have now looked into the abyss of new Neo-Labour, in this time of the Great Purge. The LP establishment have always been in control of the party but were seriously threatened by Corbyn. A man who grew his own veg and gave ordinary members the power. After taking...
Happy New Year Aaand so a fresh, sparkling New Year for us to enjoy. Let’s see what early delights Week 1 has unveiled to our eager gaze…. Well, there's season 3 of Pandemic UK: The Clusterfuck to enjoy. Initially, a one-off comprising a maximum of fifty-two episodes, this tired and incoherent...
Was it worth it? For us an absolute 'NO'. For him? Well the answer is very different. https://twitter.com/Number10cat/status/1478433924871299078?s=20 For essential workers trying to stay afloat in a decade long underfunded NHS, amidst a pandemic mismanaged from the start, this is the reality: https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1478434363754926080?s=20 And now this discovered as part of the Tory Brexit...
Tony Blair is, OBVIOUSLY, hugely unpopular with EVERYONE except the Labour right and our media. Who in their right mind (pun intended), would defend this ‘honour’ and base their entire leadership regime on Blair? You would have to be monumentally stupid, completely detached from reality and in the Cult...
Why do they do it? Do they think their 'God' will see them through with effortless bigotry and everyone will just pander to their every utterance? Bigotry is bigotry and it deserves this treatment and this humiliation. The American deep south comes to Warrington. If you like our content please keep us...