12.3 C
Friday, September 27, 2024
Ridiculed across the land and across the county https://dorseteye.com/the-grand-tour-picks-up-on-dorset-echos-stupid-journalism/ and regularly cited for their pro Tory sympathies and pro Tory attitudes https://dorseteye.com/dorset-echo-reaches-new-depths/ https://dorseteye.com/dorset-echo-and-churnalism/ Here we go again. 'Take a look at this pro-hunt article that appeared in the Dorset Echo on Christmas eve - Not a mention of the National Trust "trail hunting ban",...
The walking dead voted for more billionaires to be fisted at our expense whilst the decent were left thinking 'if only'. Never mind. We can always look forward to death and escaping the ignorant sociopaths... once and for all. Or we can stand up the f*****s and rid ourselves of their...
When did parts of the left get so contemptuous of the principle of “bodily autonomy”? Answer: Just about the time they started fetishising vaccines as the only route out of the current pandemic. Only two years ago most people understood “bodily autonomy” to be a fundamental, unquestionable human right. Now...
The North Shropshire by election was merely a symptom of the corruptions, lies and malaise at the heart of this Tory government. https://dorseteye.com/boris-johnson-tries-to-blame-the-public/ The perception of those who are awake is that everything they touch turns to shit. The lumps get bigger the more we dig. Tory Brexit https://dorseteye.com/support-for-tory-brexit-crashes-across-all-political-parties/ Covid deaths https://dorseteye.com/covidshambles-the-10000-unexplained-care-home-deaths-and-misleading-the-commons/ Christmas and non...
The message sent to journalists could not be clearer or more chilling: what happened to Assange could happen to you too It is no accident that Julian Assange, the digital transparency activist and journalist who founded Wikileaks to help whistleblowers tell us what western governments are really up to in the...
Recently Boris Johnson has welcomed a new daughter into the world but his attitude to the females has never been good. Most recently over the 2020 Christmas Parties debacle, former No 10 spokeswoman Allegra Stratton resigned just for speaking about the parties on a training video clip. The actual organiser of...
Littlemoor Councillor Louie O'Leary suggests that all council meetings should be preceded by the National Anthem. An anthem that very few know all the words to and one that reflects very different times. “Her Majesty the Queen ascended to the throne in 1952. She is this country’s longest serving head...
At extraordinary speed, the government is shutting down crucial political freedoms. We must resist while we still can. Whenever you watch a documentary about a dictator’s path to power, there comes a moment when you think: “Why didn’t people do something? They could have stopped him while there was still...
Imagine the racists spring from their covens if this had been Diane. But no it was a white lying sociopath who is a danger to millions... instead. The Raab 'misspokes' : There are currently 10 people in hospital with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 - not 250, as Dominic Raab told Sky...
“Two years ago, the Conservative government defeated us in the general election. It was a bitter defeat for all those who wanted and needed change and I take my share of responsibility for it. We offered a vital agenda for change that the country needs but failed to present...