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Friday, September 27, 2024

How many more will die?

Priti Patel is increasingly being seen as a liability by the Government. Seemingly totally focussed on prosecuting peaceful protesters; murder, knife crime, rape and other violent offences against women are too often allowed to drift unchecked. But it is the Migrant Crisis which is her biggest failure. The Tories talked...
Many argue that Liverpudlians are more perceptive and astute than many across the UK. Here is the evidence in favour. https://twitter.com/PeoplesMomentum/status/1466021765490962432?s=20 Imagine a country with this level of perceptiveness and how different it would be not to be surrounded by the walking dead. Douglas James If you like our content please keep us...
All I've ever heard from people, for years, is: "bloody bankers and their bonuses", "bloody rich and their offshore tax havens, ""bloody politicians with their lying and second homes", “bloody corporations paying less tax than me”, "bloody Establishment, they're all in it together”“it'll never change, there's no point...
In an age when discovering what the state and their corporate sponsors are up to is considered conspiracy theories and not journalism the criminals have a free reign. As soon as anyone gets too close the 'demons' from the shadows spin their web of turpitude. Here another actual journalist lays...
Unlike this man' son Boris Johnson and co will never get it right. And talking of sh** and not giving a... https://dorseteye.com/if-one-is-going-to-use-the-term-common-sense/ Douglas James If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Rittenhouse is a mirage, a manufactured repository for our outrage, our self-righteousness, our fear and our guilt. He is a phantasm conjured up by the corporate media to feed its bottom line and feed our egos. The Kyle Rittenhouse furore is a fascinating illustration of how US politics has become...

Time to clear out the parasites

Time to clean house once and for all. Time for a new and better system of rule that we as a people decide on. It has become extremely clear the current system broken and corrupt to its core. Infested with over privileged, primitive thinking, out of touch, greed obsessed,...
‘Tis the sleason to be honest, fa-la-lala-la, falalal la! In trying to get the government to amend legislation which could have benefitted a company without declaring his financial interest in that same company, our MP appears, not for the first time, to have broken Parliamentary Rules. So come on...
Following a number of cases of Hope Not Hate getting it badly wrong and continuing to churn out propaganda they appear reluctant to learn their lesson. In 2017 they were accused of being state propagandists: Failing to understand hate, Hope not Hate becomes platform for Home Office propaganda During the time of...

My epiphany

We are fighting an asymmetric comms war against the 1% – a war which, if lost, jeopardises not only society as we know it but also the environment which sustains us. Dorset Eye is featuring a series of ‘short conversations’ by Luke Andreski, looking at the nature of this war. This...