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Friday, September 27, 2024
The significance of Boris Johnson's announcement goes well beyond social care. It sets the tone and the terms for the next general election and signals what type of prime minister he wants to be.The wager is clear, he believes voters will grudgingly forgive him for breaking not one, but two...
As a Marxist, I was brought up on the idea there were two bourgeois newspapers/magazines, the Financial Times and the Economist, that one needed to read because, unlike most of the mainstream print media, they were the ruling class talking to itself. The rest of the popular print media...
The media’s lust for blood helped march us into the disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It wants us to forget that. Everyone is to blame for the catastrophe in Afghanistan, except the people who started it. Yes, Joe Biden screwed up by rushing out so chaotically. Yes, Boris Johnson...
Future corporate profits are officially more important than life on Earth. The human tragedy is that there is no connection between what we know and what we do. Almost everyone is now at least vaguely aware that we face the greatest catastrophe our species has ever confronted. Yet scarcely anyone...
Be it Stocks, Art, whatever. This economic theory states that the price of an investment is not determined by its intrinsic value, but rather by irrational beliefs and expectations of market participants. A price can be justified by a rational buyer under the belief that another party is willing to...
Keir Hardie, Clem Attlee, Harold Wilson, Nye Bevan and Mark Drakeford would not be allowed anywhere near Starmer's UK Labour front bench. In fact, if all were 'just' members, they would be being targeted for expulsion without a shadow of doubt. Now, if you still support Keir Starmer and...
This is ITN! No really it is an ITV news report. I cannot imagine how benign the planet must be at this time that this is a leading article in the corporate news media. They would not be trying to distract us would they? A massive planet murdering corporation has run out...

Kate’s Garrotte

In the early decades of the 21st Century humanity faces a pandemic of lies, jeopardising the fabric of our society and the environment on which we depend. This series of ‘short conversations’ by Luke Andreski discusses the weapons we need if we are to overcome our disinformation pandemic. Infection It’s well...
George Monbiot
Democracy depends on an equality of arms. If governments acquire political weapons unavailable to their opponents, they become harder to dislodge. They now possess so many that I begin to wonder how an efficient autocracy, once established, might ever again be overthrown. The Pegasus spyware, whose widespread use by governments the...
Whatever possessed the US and UK governments to abandon Afghanistan and to render all the deaths and injuries of so many members of the forces and the Afghan population is beyond many. Yet again it looks like the arms industry lobbyists have got their way. It enables them to...