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Thursday, September 26, 2024
It saddens me to say it, but no one should be surprised at the outburst of racist abuse suffered by Marcus Rashford, Jadon Sancho and Bakayo Saka following England’s defeat by Italy on Sunday night. There had already been reports of the constant stream of racist invective directed at...
Superbly positive of how we can unite in a post Brexit Britain. "Those doing the abusing are a sick minority. Let's be clear about that. Today this England team has made Englishness and patriotism itself an idea not that some of us are ashamed of but that all of us...
Basically we lost the Euros because of the Tories. It's not coming home until you learn some f****** manners. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/

Priti Patel’s huge chip

It seems apparent that the controversial Home Secretary, Priti Patel, has a huge chip on her shoulder about black people. The most recent outburst about taking the knee and Black Lives Matter is just the latest manifestation. Pre-occupation with refugees and migrants, many of whom are black, deportations etc...
From MP's like Natalie Elphicke to social media low life to those who deface murals you and your kind are wasting planet Earth's air. Please change your personality, leave the dark side behind and help make humanity and the planet a sustainably brilliant existence. and then And remember who Natalie...
The Tories will be eternally remembered for being massive ignorant, callous... ***** whereas Marcus will be eternally remembered for every antonymn of the personification of Toryism. Everything he does to help others the Tories respond like this: https://dorseteye.com/tory-party-whips-briefing-against-marcus-rashford-over-child-poverty/ Love you Marcus x Penny Lane
The scenes following the end of the 2020 European Championships Final were dismal but predictable. Racists in government and racists on social media making the country look like gutter snipes yet again. https://dorseteye.com/widespread-condemnation-of-boris-johnson-and-priti-patel/ However, on the side of decency we had voices who put these ***** in their place. "We had a...
'Miriam Escobar'! Just wonderful. And remember she has a history for outing ganglords: https://dorseteye.com/millions-may-complain-to-ofcom-that-miriam-margolyes-did-not-go-far-enough/ Penny Lane PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/


On 14th June, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson delayed the propagandised 'Freedom Day', stating that the June 21st date was being pushed back because of concerns about the highly transmissible Delta variant. He also stated: "Even if the link between infection and hospitalisation has been weakened it has not...
An absolute failure of the left to get their message across whilst the cancer of the right spreads hate and division. Yep! Whatever one thinks of Andy Burnham the evidence supports his supposition on both sides of the Atlantic. A parody that sums up the illogical state some of the working...