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Wednesday, September 25, 2024
This 26 year old man from Blackpool explains how he transformed himself from being a racist to standing up to racism. Well done! Now let us make this the fashion. Jason Cridland PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Greed is good I’ve written here on Dorset Eye about some of the features of modern culture which jeopardise human survival: > A super-consuming, super-polluting 0.1% > A lackey media controlled either by the 0.1% or nation states This corporate media broadcasts the socially damaging and eco-catastrophic narrative of state elites and the...
Update: She's going: https://twitter.com/REWearmouth/status/1466506083376242691?s=20 Margaret Hodge at Labour party conference 2019 on the eve of the general election. The point at which a unified party could and probably would have won that election and prevented the UK being butchered by Boris Johnson and his band of incompetent, corrupt liars. Margaret Hodge and her...
A year ago, the idea that Covid-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan – a short distance from the wet market that is usually claimed to be the source of the virus – was dismissed as a crackpot theory, supported only by Donald Trump, QAnon and hawks on the...
Unfortunately, my speech at this Saturday's event in Weymouth wasn't caught on film, so I thought I'd share it. I do this partly to bring awareness of how the wonderful footballer Dalian Atkinson really died. Welcome everyone to this Stand Up To Racism Dorset event and well done for braving...
Establishment centrist stitch up will never tell us the truth. They will redact until it is meaningless. Here Norman Thomas explains why Labour activists have lost patience and will carry out their own investigation. https://twitter.com/ChristineJameis/status/1400416022650310657?s=20 What is the point of an Opposition that is not an opposition? Douglas James
If we could press a button and eradicate one demographic in a blink this lot would surely be it or very close to it. The question now is that given the monsters have escaped from the cage how do we get rid? Jason Cridland PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH...
Remember how Dominic Cummings played a blinder over Brexit, spinning a web of deceptions, funnelled through politicians and the media, to persuade the public that Britain needed to quit the European Union so urgently it should do so on any terms, even ones that would sabotage the country’s interests....
He is quite right. The BBC news is boring. Most people do not watch the BBC for the news they watch it for the comedy, dramas and the documentaries. However, the Tories have been looking for an excuse for decades and this time they may just get away with it. https://twitter.com/doseofdavidm/status/1398385900330049538?s=20 Penny...
Spot on Jonathan https://dorseteye.com/dominic-cummings-confirms-what-people-on-the-left/ And this prediction vis satire The secret is let everyone know that if they didn't know they only had... well we know the rest. Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/